If you forced him into a choice and he’d leave as you say, that’s your answer. There has to be boundaries in marriage. PLEASE read the marvelous book “Boundaries in Marriage” by the men from New Life, a Christian counseling talk radio team. It’s a great book really, I learned alot from it–you will too! You can find it at a Christian bookstore. I’m so sorry for your situation, but maybe this action will hopefully, Lord willing jolt him into the right gear!!! Maybe read the book first, pray about it and then decide what to do.
God Bless~~
Ultimatums do not work. Backed into a corner, ANY animal will come out fighting or look for another way out. She will get what she does not want (unless that is exactly what she wants so she can place blame elsewhere) FASTER than she has ever gotten anything in her life.
She took those vows just as he did. She is answerable to God only for her actions. Jealousy, real or unfounded is not a virtue, and needs to be dealt with. Both parties react to it, he by becoming more defensive, and she by becoming more insecure.
I recommend taking the advice of looking into exceptional marriage website, and also getting The Secret Diary of Elizabeth Leseur whose husband converted and became a priest after her death.
Marriage is not easy. Divorce is, especially today. It is forced, and unilateral in most cases, with the one who is respondent being forced into something that is unable to be stopped by anyone but the Petitioner. Too many ‘good’ Christians/Catholics/spiritual directors/priests/best friends, etc give too much ungodly advice, and marriages are being destroyed by it.
Read what the Holy Father says about marriage and Validity/Nullity and NOT what our US Tribunals say. Most often, those who insist on their right to a Rotal verdict find the US judgements for Nullity overturned.
I suggest as a second reading lesson to find out what God says about divorce. He hates it. What Jesus says in four separate places in the Gospel covers every single person involved.
Before you can expect the partner to change, you must change and make that firm committment to do it HIS way…God’s. Feelings change, often rapidly.
When the ‘D’ word enters into marriage… unless there is life threatening danger… it does not take long before the enemy finds ways to encourage it, and to make it sound GOOD.
Read about St Monica, St Rita, Catherine of Aragon, and others who had ungodly husbands. Stop looking for ‘grounds for nullity’ and begin to look for reasons to honor your vows, and being obedient to God.
And I also agree that this is NOT a good place to get Godly advice. Catholic marriage counselors with a proven record of saving marriages is where you go, even it it is alone. And that also means that you avoid some priests, nuns, friends, etc who do NOT have a proven track record of saving marriages.
You don’t just have a marriage. You have made a Covenant with GOD and your spouse…and it is GOD you answer to. Our job is to try to get our spouse to Heaven. If that is your goal, then He changes us, first, to be the spouse that He knows we need to be. When we pray for someone else to change, He works on OUR hearts first…and then He works on the other in HIS time and in HIS way.
Divorce is NOT all it is cracked up to be. It is, in most cases, evil that looks good. "The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence… til you get over there.