i do not believe there is a problem with a gay principal. however, i DO believe there is a problem with a gay principal who, within a short amount of time is already broadcasting to the media his orientation, his ‘pride’ in his sexuality and getting ‘married’. i see a huge difference RPConover between your high school principal and these two. as you admitted yourself, your teachers never made it an issue - these two already have! although hopefully faithful parents will be able to educate their children why this is wrong and these children will stick with the teachings, there will be many who will not.
i also believe that it is completely wrong for any person, gay or straight, to bring a partner to work. work is not hte place for that. i pray this does not happen for the children’s sake
First of all, our significant others are not our partners, but either a husband or wife (opposite sex only) in the sacrament of marriage. Partners are for business arrangements and at times to help pay the bar bill on drunken binges.
Second, there is nothing wrong with your husband or wife showing up at work, whether work be at a school or downtown building. This is a healthy normal relationship that portrays itself as such and can only be a good model of behavior for children/students.
Third, any public portrayal of homosexuality, even if not blatant, is not at all socially appropriate, especially to children, who are more easily influenced by adult behavior, moreso teacher behavior and considerably so by how a principal portrays himself/herself at least 200 days a year to the school’s students.
Children learn not only from what is formally and informally taught to them in and out of school but substantially by what is modelled in everyday behavior by adults around them. The young people today who see themselves as accepting and tolerant of “alternative” lifestyles (same sex marriage, abortion on demand, group sex, S & M) are simply parroting and modeling what they were exposed to as children by negligent, naive and misguided, if not outrightly destructive, parents and teachers. As a result, most young today are more comfortable carrying a condom around than wearing a cross.
Homosexual behavior in unhealthy, immoral, and personally and socially destructive. Anyone choosing this behavior (lifestyle) has no place in a school setting where they can influence children to follow their example, period!