Two openly gay principals hired in same town: a first!

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How come no one ever brings up the fact that there are just as many gay women teaching, and in the military, and in the convent as there are men…???
Because most Christian men are not scared of lesbians.
Because most Christian men are not scared of lesbians.
😛 - I discovered the other day that lesbians are never mentioned in the bible, something I found a tad strange. :confused:
Our modern construct of homosexual is confusing and makes it difficult to understand the whole subject. Quite simply there are no “homosexuals”. The way the subject is presented these days, it’s almost as if we are to accept that there is a third sex. That’s nonsense, we know. God created “male and female”. There are only people who are tempted to a specific kind of sin. We are all human beings given to temptations of all sorts. We just need to realize that any sexual activity outside of marriage between a man and a woman is sinful and avoid it.

Some temptations are stronger than others. In the Bible we are told that we become slaves to the sins we commit, and sexual sins of all kinds are the strongest slave masters.

The Church wisely advises us to avoid the near occasions of sin, even telling us we are commiting sin to purposely place ourselves in situations which tempt us to sin. In our culture it is extremely difficult to follow that advice as closely as we should. It’s as though we are swimming in a sewer, so it’s difficult to discern what we should be avoiding.

As to the principals who are openly living in sin – those who are openly and unrepentantly indulging themselves in sin are not worthy of being placed in positions of authority and influence, and people who would allow them in such positions are cooperating with the sin. The children will be scandalized, and Jesus himself had some stern words about those who scandalize little ones.
I think that most important thing to remember is that we are talking about people.

Think about that: homosexuals are people. People with feelings, problems, families, jobs, and pets. They think, they feel, they laugh and cry.

I know a few homosexuals (gay and lesbian) - they are who they are. They aren’t trying to convince the world to be gay. They just want to be loved by their families without the threat of violence (physical, mental, or spiritual violence). They want the same things heterosexual couples want. A job, a home, a family.

I heard one person on the Catholic Answers radio show talk about “Brokeback Mountain” say that this film is really poisonous because it portrays gays as real people. It makes you see the characters as real people with real problems and real lives. Imagine that! A gay person has normal trials and tribulations! Who’d of thought of it?

Please, remember that we are talking about flesh and blood here.
I think that most important thing to remember is that we are talking about people.

Think about that: homosexuals are people. People with feelings, problems, families, jobs, and pets. They think, they feel, they laugh and cry.

I know a few homosexuals (gay and lesbian) - they are who they are. They aren’t trying to convince the world to be gay. They just want to be loved by their families without the threat of violence (physical, mental, or spiritual violence). They want the same things heterosexual couples want. A job, a home, a family.

I heard one person on the Catholic Answers radio show talk about “Brokeback Mountain” say that this film is really poisonous because it portrays gays as real people. It makes you see the characters as real people with real problems and real lives. Imagine that! A gay person has normal trials and tribulations! Who’d of thought of it?

Please, remember that we are talking about flesh and blood here.
Of course, we’re thinking of them all as human beings, created by God for heaven. Are you saying that because the people committing the sin are “nice” people, that we are to ignore or condone their sin? How far will you stretch that logic? — to thieves, drug pushers, embezzlers, rapists? Telling people that what they’re doing is unacceptable in decent society is not cruel. It is what we are supposed to do as Christians. You don’t have to be nasty about it. In fact, you should let them know of God’s love for them in a kindly way, as Jesus did. We have many good examples, such as Pope John Paul II, Mother Teresa, Father Groeschel, and many more than I can list. They spread God’s message with firmness yet with kindness.

God made us all for heaven, and we are to spend our lives being holy so we can get there. If we allow others to go to hell through our negligence, or the excuse of being “nice” we’re complicit in their sin, and will be accountable for the loss of their souls.

Remember, John the Baptist got his head removed because he wasn’t willing to “be nice” and accept Herod’s sinful relationship. Most of the apostles suffered martyrdom for their refusal to compromise on the message of Jesus. Our job as Christians is not easy, but it will be eternally worth it.

The culture we’re living can be confusing if we listen to it without reference to the Church and the Bible. It’s very anti-Christian. Be careful you’re not forming your opinions based on the popular culture.
Our modern construct of homosexual is confusing and makes it difficult to understand the whole subject. Quite simply there are no “homosexuals”. The way the subject is presented these days, it’s almost as if we are to accept that there is a third sex. That’s nonsense, we know. God created “male and female”. There are only people who are tempted to a specific kind of sin. We are all human beings given to temptations of all sorts.
Ruthmary, where did you get your psychology degree? Psychiatry degree?

Personally, I am not confused. I don’t, and never have, seen the “homosexual issue” this way.

BTW, there are true hermephrodites. What is God’s intention in creating them? Are they “homosexual” by default? Oops, they are both male and female. Does this make them the third and fourth sex? Wait, perhaps I am confused.
Ruthmary, where did you get your psychology degree? Psychiatry degree?

Personally, I am not confused. I don’t, and never have, seen the “homosexual issue” this way.

BTW, there are true hermephrodites. What is God’s intention in creating them? Are they “homosexual” by default? Oops, they are both male and female. Does this make them the third and fourth sex? Wait, perhaps I am confused.
That would be someone born deformed, which is an entirely different issue than is being addressed in this thread.

I learned about sin from my parents, the priests and sisters when I was a youngster. I don’t need any degrees, I just need the Church. The Church was explaining sin and temptation long before there were any psychiatrists.

The reasons I don’t believe gays should be in the military are different than the reasons I have for them not being teachers. I don’t think gays should be in the military for the same reason I don’t think they should be priests. If men attracted to men are living with men and working/fighting with them side by side, day by day I think those temptations would get in the way of their job. You don’t hear about men and women living in the same room on a military base or ship just as you don’t see or hear about heterosexual priests living in a convent with nuns.

I can’t speak for the other people on this thread but the reason I don’t think that active homosexuals should be teachers is the example they are setting for the children. It’s not because I don’t trust them with children. I had an assistant principal at a school I attended who was actively gay I did not find out until years later. I’m sure that none of the students knew and only a handful of the faculty knew about it.
Just what is a safe profession then. I worked in retail alot and suffer with same sex attraction. Am I a danger to all the teenagers that also take on retail jobs? How far do you want to go in banning them from jobs? I say if they are being silent and don’t have a partner and do not promote the life style they should have whatever jobs they want to have.
Just what is a safe profession then. I worked in retail alot and suffer with same sex attraction. Am I a danger to all the teenagers that also take on retail jobs? How far do you want to go in banning them from jobs? I say if they are being silent and don’t have a partner and do not promote the life style they should have whatever jobs they want to have.
That is not a position of formal education of children. Educators teach by instruction and by example, and as a result have a significant affect on students. The personal and societal destructiveness of homosexual behavior should prevent people who choose to act in this manner from assuming positions of the formal education of children.
Originally posted by iceman
That is not a position of formal education of children. Educators teach by instruction and by example, and as a result have a significant affect on students. The personal and societal destructiveness of homosexual behavior should prevent people who choose to act in this manner from assuming positions of the formal education of children.
Should women teachers be barred from teaching boys for fear that the boys may become too effeminete?
Should women teachers be barred from teaching boys for fear that the boys may become too effeminete?
Fortunately, most boys can still discern what sex they are and what sex they are opposite. Positive moral adult conduct reinforces this healthy natural distinction in young developing minds… Homosexuality skews it.
Fortunately, most boys can still discern what sex they are and what sex they are opposite. Positive moral adult conduct reinforces this healthy natural distinction in young developing minds… Homosexuality skews it.
I suppose this boils down to whether you believe homosexuality is genetic or not.
I suppose this boils down to whether you believe homosexuality is genetic or not.
It is just as genetic as pedophilia, incest and bestiality.
Keep looking for that gene, so I do not have to be held responsible for my own actions!
It is just as genetic as pedophilia, incest and bestiality.
Keep looking for that gene, so I do not have to be held responsible for my own actions!
In your opinion. I would say otherwise, and I have looked a little into this, but I am no expert, I would leave the research to those who have studied Genetics to an expert extent.
I suppose this boils down to whether you believe homosexuality is genetic or not.
Really? Schizophrenia has a genetic componant, but would you hire a schizophrenic to be responsible for your children?
There is no such word as homophobia. It is a homosexual fabrication to place society on the defensive with regard to the homosexual agenda, and serves to confuse one emotion (disgust) with another (fear).

Many homosexuals fully intend to “spread” their conduct by indoctrinating the young into believing that homosexuality is simply another healthy lifestyle choice of equal societal and moral value to heterosexual marriage. This is why homosexuality is being forced on children in sex education classes, and why gay marriage in being promoted nationally in many Western countries. Perhaps it is time people **like you **woke up and openned their eyes to what is happening around you.
actually there is such a word:

and honey trust me my eyes are WIDE open.
No it’s not common sense, since it’s a public school we’re speaking about. If you’re really that afraid of a gay principal then you can send your kids to a Catholic school. Done and done.

You know, there are protestants out there that think us Catholics are all antichrists and as big of sinners as homosexuals. Here is the problem with this “land of the free” “liberty” thing… if you want to protect your right to believe as you wish, then you have to allow others to believe as they wish, or the whole system becomes hypocritical and falls apart.
Sounds like moral relativism. That one thinks a moral disorder is freedom in no way means others must accept it. What one believes is one thing. Teaching others that an erroneous belief is true is quite another thing.
actually there is such a word:

and honey trust me my eyes are WIDE open.
Unfortunately, mainstream society has allowed activist fringe groups like militant homosexuals to define what is socially acceptable conduct and apply their definition of any negative reaction to their agenda. We have allowed them to set the agenda which has forced mainsteam society to react as opposed to be proactive.

The word - homophobic - was created by militant homosexual groups, to elicit a defensive reaction of denial by mainstream society. This distortion of the Englich language serves to distract from any useful debate from the real topic of importance - the social acceptability of unhealthy (physically and mentally) and morally destructive homosexual behavior.
In original Biblical texts it is now widely believed amongst scholars that there were very few, if any, references to homosexuality in the Bible. The mentions are thought to stem from the condemnation of “Temple Prostitution”. This was common in established Pagan religions, who believed that the point of sexual climax was the closest anyone could come to divinity. Thus, if you wanted to experience “God” (or “Godess” in the case of many pre-christian temples), you would simply engage with a Temple Prostitute (many of whom were male). Scholars now believe that somewhere along the line (let’s not forget that the Bible has been translated and passed down by hundreds of unreliable and unofficiated sources prior to the Bible we know today), a translator/scribe has placed his/her own homophobic agenda onto the words of the Bible.

As for Leviticus (don’t lay down in another man’s bed, i think is the line), this is the same book of the Bible that tells us not to eat pork, and I don’t see any thread about the unnatural sin of eating pigs. 😃
In original Biblical texts it is now widely believed amongst scholars that there were very few, if any, references to homosexuality in the Bible. The mentions are thought to stem from the condemnation of “Temple Prostitution”. This was common in established Pagan religions, who believed that the point of sexual climax was the closest anyone could come to divinity. Thus, if you wanted to experience “God” (or “Godess” in the case of many pre-christian temples), you would simply engage with a Temple Prostitute (many of whom were male). Scholars now believe that somewhere along the line (let’s not forget that the Bible has been translated and passed down by hundreds of unreliable and unofficiated sources prior to the Bible we know today), a translator/scribe has placed his/her own homophobic agenda onto the words of the Bible.

As for Leviticus (don’t lay down in another man’s bed, i think is the line), this is the same book of the Bible that tells us not to eat pork, and I don’t see any thread about the unnatural sin of eating pigs. 😃
One has to reinterpret scripture and/or cast a cloud of doubt over the reliability of scripture, to justify homosexual acts.
But the Sodom incident is not the only time the Old Testament deals with homosexuality. An explicit condemnation is found in the book of Leviticus: “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination. . . . If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall be put to death, their blood is upon them” (Lev. 18:22, 20:13).
Reinterpreting Scripture
To discount this, some homosexual activists have argued that moral imperatives from the Old Testament can be dismissed since there were certain ceremonial requirements at the time—such as not eating pork, or circumcising male babies—that are no longer binding.
While the Old Testament’s ceremonial requirements are no longer binding, its moral requirements are. God may issue different ceremonies for use in different times and cultures, but his moral requirements are eternal and are binding on all cultures.
Confirming this fact is the New Testament’s forceful rejection of homosexual behavior as well. In Romans 1, Paul attributes the homosexual desires of some to a refusal to acknowledge and worship God. He says, “For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. Their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural, and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in their own persons the due penalty for their error. And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a base mind and to improper conduct. . . . Though they know God’s decree that those who do such things deserve to die, they not only do them but approve those who practice them” (Rom. 1:26–28, 32).
Elsewhere Paul again warns that homosexual behavior is one of the sins that will deprive one of heaven: “Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God” (1 Cor. 6:9–10, NIV).
All of Scripture teaches the unacceptability of homosexual behavior. But the rejection of this behavior is not an arbitrary prohibition. It, like other moral imperatives, is rooted in natural law—the design that God has built into human nature.
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