It’s a fact of life. Pay scales vary from one area of the country to another, as does the cost of living. What is unjust about each diocese paying the prevailing local wage for a job?Social justice? :nope:
I’m really sorry that you live in such a bad diocese. Neither the Vatican nor the USCCB appears likely to do anything drastic about the situation in your area and, even if they did, it would still take years to turn things around. However, in my opinion, it is unfair of you to continuously take pot shots at the work the USCCB is trying to do. I made it through the first twenty pages of the report last night and saw nothing really wrong with it. I will try to finish reading it today and tomorrow in order to form an opinion on the complete document. Regardless, it will be up to each bishop as to how the recommendations will be implemented in his diocese, and I do not think it fair to be so critical of the entire group because of the action or inaction of one or two wayward bishops.
Since this board is frequented by mostly conservative, faithful Catholics, I guess you realize that you are “preaching to the choir.” I trust that you’re sending your newspaper clippings and other documentation of your bishop’s conduct to the appropriate Vatican office, which is the only way the change you desire (and apparently deserve) is going to be effected.