The quote you provided is partially accurate. We cannot, in good conscience, judge the state of someone’s soul. This is true. There is no way for us to know if they are evil or good as a whole. We can confidently say that a person who is made in the image and likeness of God is created for good but has capacity to do evil things by abusing the gift of free will which all of us share as humans. Which brings us to our next issue. While we cannot judge the state of someone’s soul, we can judge a person’s actions. If a person is committing evil actions, we can acknowledge that and, in fact, should. If a person is supportive of evil actions, we can acknowledge that, and should. If a person, through their actions, is trying to force others to commit evil, we can acknowledge that, and should.Dominique,In this country our Church does not tell us we cannot vote for a candidate, they do tell us though to vote our conscience and I as a Catholic in good standing will ponder well all the issues, we are not told to discount our candidates if we cannot agree with all of their positions on moral and social issues. Please, read the following Quote from a CA poster.
QUOTE: by Elizum
“Evil” has a very real concrete meaning in moral theology and it is never applied to humans or souls. We cannot judge humans and say “this one is good, and this one is evil” except to say that Jesus was all-good and Mary was sinless. Therefore, when choosing one political candidate over another, we are choosing a human being with his intrinsic self-worth and at the same time, all his faults and shortcomings, and we recognize as the Church does, that nobody is perfect and we all suffer from concupiscence and sin just as our parents, Adam and Eve fell from grace.
peace , Carlan
To put it in the context of our current discussion, if someone murders a baby in the womb, that is an evil act and should be called as such. If a person by their actions makes it easier or possible for someone to perform an abortion, then that is an evil act and we need to say so. If someone tries to force a group of people to provide abortive drugs, contraceptives, or to accept “gay marriage” against their conscience then that is evil behavior, period. I have no way of knowing how God will choose to judge someone who does those things and don’t pretend to. I pray that everyone will experience a conversion of heart and mind and thus be open to God’s mercy and forgiveness. What I do know is that, here on earth, the behaviors themselves are evil and we have not only a right, but an obligation to say so.
As for the rest, we are taught to properly form our consciences first, then follow them.