I think they should not expect government or the leader or anyone else to pay for such,even if they do not believe it is wrong.What would you say the % of Americans who believe that their birth control should be free?
In case you missed it, an “expert” demanding such recently had a speaking slot at one of the party’s conventions.
Again,People have abortions,and use use pills and such for all kinds of reasons,and no matter how much we disagree with such sin we can and should be able to agree that such sins are personally decided upon by the people who commit them.
Blame cannot be placed upon any one else.
We can, and most of us here would, point out to them how wrong and deadly to their souls it would be, and the alienation they will suffer from God who creates all his children.
We who condemn, must remember that only God judges the deep heart of all of us.
We pray for the redemption of all sinner.
Peace, Carlan