US Catholics back bishops on religious freedom, but still favor Obama, poll shows [CWN]

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The president’s positions on the most significant moral issues are certainly antithetical to Catholics. He has long been radically pro-abortion, and so is his party platform. Now he favors gay marriage as well, another position directly opposite to Catholic beliefs.

Further, his HHS has repressed the religious liberty of Catholic organizations, as well as businesses generally, by requiring them to provide coverage for things that violate their conscience. The HHS mandate alone could force the shutdown of Catholic charities, schools, hospitals, food kitchens, even groups of sisters and nuns. It will also force the shutdown of some private businesses who cannot in conscience go along with its mandates.

Reason enough to not support his re-election.

I suppose there were Catholics in England who supported Henry VIII over Thomas More. That’s a pity. We could see the same loss of religious freedom here.

If that were not enough, it will do nothing to help the poor when the unsustainable national borrowing forces the nation into bankruptcy.
May God richly reward the fidelity of those Catholics so loyal to the Democratic party. May God double upon them what their party platform wills for America. May God gather them in and unite them in this boon.
No I know you are just a troll. Ignore list, activate!
Seriously. I could debate anything up to that last sentence. WHen I read that I said to myself, no point. I can only converse with rational people.
Seriously. I could debate anything up to that last sentence. WHen I read that I said to myself, no point. I can only converse with rational people.
Perhaps. Its not really an issue of debating because the person in question is not reading any of the material provided nor responding to the arguments presented. He is just spouting broken sentences and making stuff up as he goes without bothering to consider the arguments of others. My reading has become more peaceful since I blocked him.

Problem with this poll is grouping all Catholics together in a poll, practising and non practising and expects an honest result of who ‘Catholics’ support

Pew’s poll from April shows majority of churchgoing Catholics favour Romney 56% over Obama 38%. BTW that says African Americans favour Obama 96% to Romney 0%, that statistic is not accurate. Small percentage favour Romney to Obama, but it is not 0%, I know for a fact. They also oversampled Democrats to Republicans in a swing state poll, I do not trust Pew for accuracy.

Rasmussen released a poll of likely voters in February that found most Catholics disapprove of Obama’s job performance, 35% of likely Catholic voters likely to vote for Obama, 52% likely to vote for Romney.

OP Pew poll is out of touch with other polls on Catholics.

Former Vatican ambassadors have launched Catholics for Romney group
I really have to question the poll cited in the OP. The above results seem more likely to me. In 2008, something like 54% of all Catholics voted for Obama. However, that result was due to the Hispanic vote. Among white Catholics, McCain beat Obama by a similar margin. It is hard for me to believe that has eroded, as the OP poll suggests.
I’m catholic. Went to catholic school. Participate in my church. Bringing my kids up catholic. Voting for Obama. It’s simple. Catholics beliefs align more with dems than with republicans. Benedict called for universal healthcare; .
The Democratic party has not proposed anything close to what the Church defines as ‘universal health care’

First and foremost, the Church recognises that there can be no such thing as universal health care while abortion is legal. This should be self evident, as if one excludes an entire class of people (the unborn) from healt care, even so far as allowing their termination at will, that cannot be considered to be universal.

Pope John Paul II noted that in Christfideles Laici

“The inviolability of the person which is a reflection of the absolute inviolability of God, fínds its primary and fundamental expression in the inviolability of human life. Above all, the common outcry, which is justly made on behalf of human rights-for example, the right to health, to home, to work, to family, to culture- is false and illusory if the right to life, the most basic and fundamental right and the condition for all other personal rights, is not defended with maximum determination.”

While abortion is legal, any other rights, such as to health care, as “false and illusory”

In addition, to the Church, universal health care is just that, universal. It does not apply to just Americans, or those in industrialized countries. Nothing the Democratic party has proposed, adresses those in such countries as Tanzania or Guatamala.

That is why it is the Church itself that is best positioned to provide truely universal health care.

To be perfectly honest, even those without health insurance in the US still count among the world’s ‘rich’ in terms of access to health care. They may make use of well equiped emergency rooms staffed by well trained medical professions

Contrast that to the situation in a village in Tanzania where I was doing some charity work last summer. The local Catholic priest was the primary health care provider for the whole village, simply on the grounds that he was a college graduate.

I remember working with him ( with my Scout level First aid) with a girl who needed stitches on her arm. Between the two of us, a tube of superglue and some iodine, closed and dressed the wound.

What is the Democratic solution to that?

At least with conservatives, they are substantially more likely to donate time and money to charitable causes that serve the poor.
May God richly reward the fidelity of those Catholics so loyal to the Democratic party. May God double upon them what their party platform wills for America. May God gather them in and unite them in this boon.
The platform of the Democrat Party reads like it was written by the devil himself.
May God richly reward the fidelity of those Catholics so loyal to the Democratic party. May God double upon them what their party platform wills for America. May God gather them in and unite them in this boon.
The religious fidelity of Catholics who are Democrats or Republicans ought to be richly rewarded by God - indeed! Don’t confuse, as you seem to be doing, a party platform with the will of the Church. We can all pray that all Catholics be gathered by God and united in Him. 👍
The religious fidelity of Catholics who are Democrats or Republicans ought to be richly rewarded by God - indeed! Don’t confuse, as you seem to be doing, a party platform with the will of the Church. We can all pray that all Catholics be gathered by God and united in Him. 👍
No party platform reflects the “will of the Church”. Certainly not in full. But one does have to recognize that the Democrat platform is much further from it than is the Repub platform.

One also needs to consider the degree to which party platforms actually reflect the thinking of the party’s candidates. When it comes to abortion on demand and debasing marriage by “homosexual marriage”, there can’t be any real doubt that those things reflect the thinking and intentions of the Dem candidates, most especially Barack Obama.
I think it depends in what part of the country one lives in. The mid-western Catholics are more conservative than say the costal ones. Of course they also tend to be more devout Catholics.

Many who self-identify as Catholic arent always the ones who are in the pews on Sundays.
Are you saying that midwestern catholics are more catholic because they are less influenced by the unelected media culture? If so, I agree.
Are you saying that midwestern catholics are more catholic because they are less influenced by the unelected media culture? If so, I agree.
Let’s see. I was raised Catholic in Northeast Ohio. I’ve lived for 24 years in the Washington, DC metropolitan area, so I’ve been subjected to East Coast media exposure for quite some time. I an an Opus Dei Cooperator and I attend a very conservative Catholic parish in the Diocese of Arlington (VA).

I am as Catholic and conservative as any Catholic in the Midwest, North, South, West or East Coasts, thank you.
Let’s see. I was raised Catholic in Northeast Ohio. I’ve lived for 24 years in the Washington, DC metropolitan area, so I’ve been subjected to East Coast media exposure for quite some time. I an an Opus Dei Cooperator and I attend a very conservative Catholic parish in the Diocese of Arlington (VA).

I am as Catholic and conservative as any Catholic in the Midwest, North, South, West or East Coasts, thank you.
As your neighbor (Clifton is about 15 minutes from me), I agree completely. People who don’t live within the magnetic pull of Washington DC cannot understand the massive outpouring of propaganda that happens by the media around here on a daily basis.
American Catholics generally agree with their bishops regarding the threats to religious freedom, a new Pew Forum poll shows. However, despite tensions between the US hierarchy and the …

One CANNOT vote for Obama and remain a Faithful Catholic. NO MATTER WHAT! I could even go to the lengths of saying one would be Anathema.
No party platform reflects the “will of the Church”. Certainly not in full. But one does have to recognize that the Democrat platform is much further from it than is the Repub platform.

One also needs to consider the degree to which party platforms actually reflect the thinking of the party’s candidates. When it comes to abortion on demand and debasing marriage by “homosexual marriage”, there can’t be any real doubt that those things reflect the thinking and intentions of the Dem candidates, most especially Barack Obama.
President Obama’s position is understood to be agaist Catholic moral teaching.

Following is a recent quote from a closed meeting Mr.Romny’s had with wealthy supporters.

"There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the President no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that’s an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what…
***These are people who pay no income tax …
“My job is not to worry about those people. I’ll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives.”

The man who spoke these words – who demonstrates such disgust and disdain for half of our fellow Americans – is the other side’s choice for president of the United States. He wants to lead our country.

***There are Senors who do pay taxes for Medicare every month ,or ,if you like a premium.
The veterans who suffer life long disabilities and wife and children left without the dead who sacrificed all protecting us .
The precious babes left without willing and loving care from anyone.
The unfortunate families who have to survive on $20000 or less, they don’t have any left over for a wage earner tax to the Feds. The list goes on…
Peace, Carlan
President Obama’s position is understood to be agaist Catholic moral teaching.

Following is a recent quote from a closed meeting Mr.Romny’s had with wealthy supporters.

"There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the President no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that’s an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what…“My job is not to worry about those people. I’ll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives.”

The man who spoke these words – who demonstrates such disgust and disdain for half of our fellow Americans – is the other side’s choice for president of the United States. He wants to lead our country.

***There are Senors who do pay taxes for Medicare every month ,or ,if you like a premium.
The veterans who suffer life long disabilities and wife and children left without the dead who sacrificed all protecting us .
The precious babes left without willing and loving care from anyone.
The unfortunate families who have to survive on $20000 or less, they don’t have any left over for a wage earner tax to the Feds. The list goes on…
Peace, Carlan
Too bad Romney is right on point.
You are granted your opinion.
What would you say the % of Americans who believe that their birth control should be free?

In case you missed it, an “expert” demanding such recently had a speaking slot at one of the party’s conventions.
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