US Catholics back bishops on religious freedom, but still favor Obama, poll shows [CWN]

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Well what it shows is that out of the 2,629 Catholics who were polled, more Catholics identify themselves as democrat than Republican, therefore, the poll result would be accurate that among Catholics, Obama has the edge.

Pew poll 2011 said 43% of Catholics are republican or lean republican, 48% democrat or lean democrat, not sure about independents. If the poll wanted to be accurate a 5 point democrat advantage would have been right, to have a 15 skew makes the Magellan poll innacurate
I think it depends on what part of the country one is in, to be honest.

In the blue states, yes, in the red states, no.

I know this poll was about non-hispanics, too. Hispanics tend to favor the dems, and as they are the fastest growing population in the nation, that will continue to be so until the GOP finds a way of making the party more appealing to them.

It’s a fair statement to make too, depending on where one is in the country, that just because one self-identifies as Catholic, does not mean they are a practicing Catholic.
With all due respect Archbishop Sheen, that comment is uncalled for…I am a devout Church going Catholic, My Parrish is St. Martha’s in California. I have never ever once lost my Faith and my love of the Church. I am an Obama supporter this year, but in the past, I have voted for McCain, Reagan, the first President Bush. I don’t think my politics has anything to do with my devotion to the Church or my Faith. Nor do I want it too. The Republican Party has a Catholic on the ticket, which from my understanding, when the Bishops put out a statement it is in “UNITY” whether or not there were dissenting Bishops, and that statement was that the Ryan Budget was IMMORAL. Paul Ryan himself admits and has proclaimed that much of his political aspirations and philosophies have come NOT from the Catholic Church by from the atheists Ayn Rand and her books Atlas Shrugged and the Fountainhead. My conscience totally from the Church and nowhere else.
I think it depends on what part of the country one is in, to be honest.

In the blue states, yes, in the red states, no.

I know this poll was about non-hispanics, too. Hispanics tend to favor the dems, and as they are the fastest growing population in the nation, that will continue to be so until the GOP finds a way of making the party more appealing to them.

It’s a fair statement to make too, depending on where one is in the country, that just because one self-identifies as Catholic, does not mean they are a practicing Catholic.
The poll is supposed to tell us about the Catholic voye nationwide, among non-Hispanics. Not be tailored based on certain states. Why does every poll posted oversample dems by 9-12 percent?
Well we shall see how well the Church will be able to take care of the poor, one of tax deductions Mitt Romney has on the table to eliminate is the “Charitable Deduction” which the Bishop know will decimate the coffers of the American Red Cross, Easter Seals and Catholic Charities, Catholic Hospitals and Catholic Universities.

Please charitably discuss the issues, not each other

Please do NOT campaign on the forums. You may charitably talk about the issues and the news, but try not to talk past each other. Don’t campaign (repeating the same argument over and over again and constantly advocating a candidate and attacking another candidate). This is not a political site.

Also read the forum rules concerning the discussion of politics in my signature before posting.
With all due respect Archbishop Sheen,.
Hi Thom. 🙂

My name is Marie, not Archbishop Sheen 🙂

I think you got confused with the quote of his I use. I’m a supporter of his cause for canonization. Im sure you have heard of him no doubt 🙂

Sorry for the confusion!! 👍 🙂
I find it very difficult to comprehend that any catholic would agree with Obama and his stand on abortion and gay marriage. Abortion is the killing of a child of God, regardless of time in the womb. Obama’s stand on gay marriage is a travesty when our God said that a marriage is between a man and a woman and marriage is for the purpose of propegation which cannot be accomplished by two men or two women. This president is a threat to our ideals and beliefs and it is time to make a change.

One other comment: How can our United States stay strong and lead the word when our president is borrowing and spending us into oblivian? How can we spread the word of God throughout the world without the resources to do so?
Well we shall see how well the Church will be able to take care of the poor, one of tax deductions Mitt Romney has on the table to eliminate is the “Charitable Deduction” which the Bishop know will decimate the coffers of the American Red Cross, Easter Seals and Catholic Charities, Catholic Hospitals and Catholic Universities.
Romney hasn’t released the details of his budget ideas but the one being attributed to him is to phase out the charitable deduction according to income. This would be in line with other deductions that become less and less the more a family makes. And it is virtually identical to the proposal Obama made that would have kicked in Jan 2012 if he hadn’t faced such a problem getting his budget passed.

I don’t like either candidate’s plan but it’s not fair to fault Romney for something that is just a talking point so far when his opponent had an actual proposal to do the same thing. As far as I can tell, this isn’t a point of difference that a voter could use to make a decision.
I personally predict that Romney will win by a minimum 6%, more likely closer to 10%.
A question for all,

We have seen many different polls, yet one question I think is important is the following:
Do you personally believe President Obama will receive less support this election, more support, or the same as he did in 2008?**
A question for all,

We have seen many different polls, yet one question I think is important is the following:
Do you personally believe President Obama will receive less support this election, more support, or the same as he did in 2008?**
Less support, my prObama friends are very unenthusiastic this election. They aren’t even donating or volunteering, they’re still gonna vote for him but they aren’t working for it.
A question for all,

We have seen many different polls, yet one question I think is important is the following:
Do you personally believe President Obama will receive less support this election, more support, or the same as he did in 2008?**
I think he will receive less support in terms of numbers but some of his base is pretty energized against Romney in a way they weren’t against McCain so the financial support won’t be lessened. I also think there will be more supporters of Obama that are lukewarm. I think stories like this one are telling of how, even among his base, there is a lot less enthusiasm.

(I know some people don’t like Newsmax but it’s an AP story.)
A question for all,

We have seen many different polls, yet one question I think is important is the following:
Do you personally believe President Obama will receive less support this election, more support, or the same as he did in 2008?**
I think it’s too early to tell…

Ask at the end of Oct, after the debates.
There is so much that can happen between now and then.
A question for all,

We have seen many different polls, yet one question I think is important is the following:
Do you personally believe President Obama will receive less support this election, more support, or the same as he did in 2008?**
Less support. Many Hispanics will not vote for him because of the eocnomy and because has not kept his pledge to pursure comprehensive immigration reform. And many Catholics who meay lean democrat will not vote for him because of the HHS mandate as was seen by multiple liberal Catholic commenators criticise Obama for this
I find it very difficult to comprehend that any catholic would agree with Obama and his stand on abortion and gay marriage. Abortion is the killing of a child of God, regardless of time in the womb. Obama’s stand on gay marriage is a travesty when our God said that a marriage is between a man and a woman and marriage is for the purpose of propegation which cannot be accomplished by two men or two women. This president is a threat to our ideals and beliefs and it is time to make a change.

One other comment: How can our United States stay strong and lead the word when our president is borrowing and spending us into oblivian? How can we spread the word of God throughout the world without the resources to do so?
Are you campaigning for the GOP here?
I’m catholic. Went to catholic school. Participate in my church. Bringing my kids up catholic. Voting for Obama. It’s simple. Catholics beliefs align more with dems than with republicans. Benedict called for universal healthcare; catholics are opposed to war, especially preemptive war like in Iraq; catholics believe in global warming and in environmental stewardship; catholics are against the death penalty; our bishops have called for a higher minimum wage and support of unions; our bishops called for the continued support of the welfare system; catholics think illegal immigrants should be recognized for their contribution and not treated as criminals, and on and on. Aside from abortion and the fact that the govt wanted all healthcare plans to cover birth control…dems are more aligned with Christ and the Catholic Church than republicans. This is also seen in the survey the Church conducts every five years.

I realize that most Catholics can’t follow all the catholic rules and regulations. I haven’t met one yet (and that includes on this board and that includes myself) who doesn’t pick and choose what to follow and what to ignore. Most republicans I know ignore a lot of what they are called to do as Catholics. They’ll march for the unborn but will not even consider protesting in front of a prison that’s about to execute someone or a company that’s polluting our environment. I know as a Catholic dem, I do all three. Personally my big thing (the thing Jesus really tried to drive home over and over) is protecting the poor and less fortunate. The republicans want to balance the budget at the expense of the poor by cutting services that so many of them need to survive. I just worked on a case where a women stole money from her company so she could pay for her son’s meds. Everyone agreed, the SA, DSS and CASA that she was desperate. But she broke the law and now she’s going to lose her kids. There are many people, hard working americans with jobs, who need more help, not less.

By the way, Obama is not advocating abortions. He actually, by executive order, extended the Hyde agreement over the new healthcare law. He’s not the pro-abortion president he’s made out to be by the right wing media establishment.
For those of you that reminded me that “SOME” at the DNC wanted to remove God and Jerusalem from the Platform…the APOSTOLIC CHRISTIAN Barack Obama put it back in himself…
Actually, being a protestant, Obama is not a member of an Apostolic Church.

The “Apostolic” part of the Creed refers to a valid Holy Orders that directly descends from the Apostles themselves.

The only Churches with an Apostolic lineage are the Catholic and Orthodox Churches (with a few variants such as the PNCC).

Obama is NOT an “Apostolic” Christian.
the executive order of Obama’s was not worth the toilet paper it was writen on (it was a lie…he didn’t intend to actually enforce it).

I still don’t get how making the poor reliable on the Government is the Christian way. :confused:

Didn’t Obama interfere in Libya? or in Syria? That wasn’t Bush. :rolleyes:

I back the Bishops by learning how to form my conscience. If I am wrong, I will answer to God and to God alone.
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