From the original article:
“The survey found 51% of self-identified Catholics favored Obama in the presidential race, and 42% favored Romney. When the sample was restricted to white non-Hispanic voters, however, the results were quite different, with Romney leading Obama by 47-44%.”
What strikes me most about these results is how much damage the GOP had done to themselves with respect to the Hispanic vote. It seems that perceived racism is a far more powerful predictor of political preference than just about anything else.
I also wonder what the numbers would look like if the poll had included self-identified ex-Catholics, which I have heard is the third largest religious denomination in the United States.
Finally, the poll does not explain why Obama is kicking Romney’s butt in 9 our of the 10 most Catholic states in the Union. If you look at the numbers the Huffington post put together about the
Most and Least Catholic States in America and compare it with the poll numbers from Real Clear Politics, here is what you get:
Top 10 Catholic States: % Catholic vs. RCP Average
*]Massachusetts :…45% Catholic - Obama +19
*]Rhode Island:…44% Catholic - Obama +17
*]New Jersey:…37% Catholic - Obama +14
*]Connecticut:…35% Catholic - Obama +10
*]New York:…32% Catholic - Obama +26
*]Illinois:…28% Catholic - Obama +14
*]New Mexico:…28% Catholic - Obama +11
*]Pennsylvania:…28% Catholic - Obama +7
*]California:…27% Catholic - Obama +17
*]Louisiana:…26% Catholic - Romney +16
Clearly, a large concentration of Catholic voters does not predict support for the GOP. I suppose some would interpret this to mean that the only “real Catholics” are those who live in southern red states, because according to Church doctrine, the litmus test for being a “real Catholic” is whether you vote Republican or not.