US Catholics back bishops on religious freedom, but still favor Obama, poll shows [CWN]

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I agree, because most people don’t believe there is an attack on their freedoms.
I’m sure they don’t. The general public usually doesn’t until they wake up one morning and find them gone. The general outrage and shock over being forced to buy health insurance (while supporting abortion) and getting penalized for not doing so is proof enough. I don’t know what kind of sand they had their heads buried in for the past year or so, but it must have great soundproofing qualities because plenty of people warned about this.
I’m sure they don’t. The general public usually doesn’t until they wake up one morning and find them gone. The general outrage and shock over being forced to buy health insurance (while supporting abortion) and getting penalized for not doing so is proof enough. I don’t know what kind of sand they had their heads buried in for the past year or so, but it must have great soundproofing qualities because plenty of people warned about this.
People are already paying for others’ health care when they pay their taxes. Making everyone buy health insurance, and making employers provide health insurance, only puts back into the pot that everyone draws from. Many people don’t consider that an infringement on rights.
People are already paying for others’ health care when they pay their taxes. Making everyone buy health insurance, and making employers provide health insurance, only puts back into the pot that everyone draws from. Many people don’t consider that an infringement on rights.
Interesting that you left out the “while supporting abortion” portion, and according to this poll, apparently most DO consider it an infringement on religious rights.
People are already paying for others’ health care when they pay their taxes. Making everyone buy health insurance, and making employers provide health insurance, only puts back into the pot that everyone draws from. Many people don’t consider that an infringement on rights.
Being forced to purchase a product by the government is possibly one of the most dangerous violations of liberty we have ever seen. The fact that this product pays for the murder of children only makes it worse.
Interesting that you left out the “while supporting abortion” portion, and according to this poll, apparently most DO consider it an infringement on religious rights.
Apparently, they don’t consider it enough.
Being forced to purchase a product by the government is possibly one of the most dangerous violations of liberty we have ever seen. The fact that this product pays for the murder of children only makes it worse.
I’m talking about the whole package. I understand you’re honing in on the contraception part of it, but most people are looking at the whole picture. There are way too many people drawing from the pot (using medicaid) and for various reasons are not putting into the pot and it’s getting quite expensive. By increasing the number of subscribers, the funds are increased. Making everyone buy insurance puts back into the pot. If people are that adamant about not buying insurance, then they shouldn’t draw from the pot, but they do. Even those who say they don’t will eventually do exactly that when life happens. I agree that everyone should buy insurance, either through their employers if they work, or through a government program according to their financial capabilities – because everyone needs healthcare at one point or another.
By 2 are you really suggesting that Jesus would be more interested in gay marriage and birth control than helping the poor? Really? Do you just completely disregard what Jesus said because you don’t follow Sola Scriptura?
No, I believe we need to do both. Both parties can claim to help the poor. You haven’t shown this to be false. Only one party can claim to oppose abortion, gay “marriage”, and other ills.

I don’t disregard Jesus at all, but as Catholics, we simply have more than the written words on a page to guide us, and to ignore gay “marriage” because the words never left Jesus’s lips is flat out wrong.
THere is a definition of Catholic.

There are not Catholics and “Catholics”.
I agree. But it is a meaningless term in terms of garnering anything from a poll.

it refers to the Sacrament of Baptism, which tells us nothing for polling, and does not address a collective group mentality, which does.
I’m talking about the whole package. I understand you’re honing in on the contraception part of it, but most people are looking at the whole picture. There are way too many people drawing from the pot (using medicaid) and for various reasons are not putting into the pot and it’s getting quite expensive. By increasing the number of subscribers, the funds are increased. Making everyone buy insurance puts back into the pot. If people are that adamant about not buying insurance, then they shouldn’t draw from the pot, but they do. Even those who say they don’t will eventually do exactly that when life happens. I agree that everyone should buy insurance, either through their employers if they work, or through a government program according to their financial capabilities – because everyone needs healthcare at one point or another.
You are aware, are you not, that Obamacare is expected to add some 17 million people to the Medicaid rolls? And it wasn’t easy to get treatment on Medicaid previously because providers limit the number of Medicaid patients they’ll take. So, the poorest will now find even more applicants for their slots. And not one of the new people will pay a dime for the coverage.
You are aware, are you not, that Obamacare is expected to add some 17 million people to the Medicaid rolls? And it wasn’t easy to get treatment on Medicaid previously because providers limit the number of Medicaid patients they’ll take. So, the poorest will now find even more applicants for their slots. And not one of the new people will pay a dime for the coverage.
Do these 17 million people need the benefits?
You are aware, are you not, that Obamacare is expected to add some 17 million people to the Medicaid rolls? And it wasn’t easy to get treatment on Medicaid previously because providers limit the number of Medicaid patients they’ll take. So, the poorest will now find even more applicants for their slots. And not one of the new people will pay a dime for the coverage.
So you are saying that it is bad that these people will have insurance?
It is bad that they do not have a choice.
It would be bad if they continued to not put into the system, but had no problem drawing from it later when they need it. That’s bad. If you’re going to use it, you should contribute to it.
It would be bad if they continued to not put into the system, but had no problem drawing from it later when they need it. That’s bad. If you’re going to use it, you should contribute to it.
Some of those could be the 5 million (CBO estimate) that lose coverage when their employer drops their coverage.

The government giveth, the government taketh away…

Blessed be the name of government!
It will be bad when it becomes apparent that the government is unable to deliver all that it has promised.

It’s like promising every kid on your block a new bike for Christmas when you know the money will be gone by October.
It would be bad if they continued to not put into the system, but had no problem drawing from it later when they need it. That’s bad. If you’re going to use it, you should contribute to it.
I agree about that but that does not give them the right to force me to buy anything. The precedent of the government forcing people to purchase a product is a very bad thing.

Chevy Volt sales aren’t doing so well. Buy a Volt, citizen, or face a $2000 tax.
From the original article:

“The survey found 51% of self-identified Catholics favored Obama in the presidential race, and 42% favored Romney. When the sample was restricted to white non-Hispanic voters, however, the results were quite different, with Romney leading Obama by 47-44%.”

What strikes me most about these results is how much damage the GOP had done to themselves with respect to the Hispanic vote. It seems that perceived racism is a far more powerful predictor of political preference than just about anything else.

I also wonder what the numbers would look like if the poll had included self-identified ex-Catholics, which I have heard is the third largest religious denomination in the United States.

Finally, the poll does not explain why Obama is kicking Romney’s butt in 9 our of the 10 most Catholic states in the Union. If you look at the numbers the Huffington post put together about the Most and Least Catholic States in America and compare it with the poll numbers from Real Clear Politics, here is what you get:

Top 10 Catholic States: % Catholic vs. RCP Average

  1. *]Massachusetts :…45% Catholic - Obama +19
    *]Rhode Island:…44% Catholic - Obama +17
    *]New Jersey:…37% Catholic - Obama +14
    *]Connecticut:…35% Catholic - Obama +10
    *]New York:…32% Catholic - Obama +26
    *]Illinois:…28% Catholic - Obama +14
    *]New Mexico:…28% Catholic - Obama +11
    *]Pennsylvania:…28% Catholic - Obama +7
    *]California:…27% Catholic - Obama +17
    *]Louisiana:…26% Catholic - Romney +16

    Clearly, a large concentration of Catholic voters does not predict support for the GOP. I suppose some would interpret this to mean that the only “real Catholics” are those who live in southern red states, because according to Church doctrine, the litmus test for being a “real Catholic” is whether you vote Republican or not. :rolleyes:

  1. I’m surprised Wisconsin isn’t in that list. Last time I checked they were in the top 10 and almost at 30%.🤷

    But then again it’s the infallible Huffington post. 😃
The democratic party does a lot more to help the poor and disenfranchised, something that Jesus seemed to focus on a lot more than gay marriage or birth control in the gospels.
Since when did Jesus encourage forcing immoral behavior on society? :hmmm: Not to mention encouraging a welfare state (kinda goes hand in hand with keynesian economics, so naturally Democrats support one).
I would being lying if I saidI’m not bothered by the fact that most Catholics will vote for Obama. Catholics have always been a little bit -]socialist/-] Christian Democratic when it comes to the role of government and Obama is a little bit socialist.

However, I am bothered by the fact that when the Bishops speak, many Catholics only hear, “wah, wah wah, wah wah”. I may not agree with everything the Bishops say, but I listen and generally agree with the vast majority of it. I think if people would just listen, they would agree with it too and realize they are more Catholic than they think.
There, fixed it for ya. 😉
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