Well that is simply not what the Church teaches and thus, aware, obedient, practicing Catholics will not vote for President Obama. You can speak all you want about your talking points about “what Jesus said” and your obvious issues with Catholic social teaching, that’s fine, but none of it is applicable to practicing Catholics.Death. Which is what will happen to lives who need healthcare and don’t have affordable adequate healthcare. Maybe they don’t have employer coverage. Maybe they can’t afford their premiums, co pays, or deductibles. Maybe they don’t qualify for Medicare or Medicaid. Maybe they can’t afford coverage or can’t even get it due to pre existing conditions. Jesus taught in Matt 25 to care for the sick. And the homeless, the hungry, those who need clothing, the poor. Jesus had a lot to say about the rich man. But one of them was not that the rich should be given the benefits of tax cuts while asking the poor to sacrifice. A human person already born without shelter, food or clothing will die too.
The help I can give a legally aborted embryo or fetus is prayer. If your chief focus is to overturn a 40 yr old law, that’s fine. That’s what you’re focusing on. As a society and the richest nation on earth, we can do so much more for those lives already born. And that’s where my main focus lies. Along with several other matters such as war and peace, economic fairness and justice for those not rich, the state putting born people to death, concern for immigrant families, etc. Fighting against a woman’s legal right or preventing two homosexuals in a loving, committed relationship from civil union or marriage are nowhere near as high on my radar screen. And yes I know your church gives to the poor, but there’s always room for more. Peace.
There is a real difference between a practicing Catholic and non-practicing Catholic, I don’t understand people being upset about that. Either you are obedient to the Holy Father and the Magisterium, or you are not. If one is not, then one cannot say they are truly Catholic. That would be like someone saying, yeah I’m swimming in the pool, but they’re not lounging on a chair poolside. It doesn’t make any sense.
And this self-righteous obsession with social justice issues is just ridiculous, the Church is very clear on its social justice teachings, but it’s inaccurate to state that it cares about some and not others. We care about all social justice, but what point is fighting for social justice if human being’s right to live is being denied by the scourge of abortion every moment we breath. The Church has been very clear on this topic, and it has stated there is no more important issue than the right to life, namely abortion. One can play all types of mental gymnastics to get around that, but that does not make it true. That’s where the practicing and non-practicing comes in and why it is so important.
As Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen said, “Sometimes we can cover up our want of individual justice by a great love of social justice.” I feel that many people fall into that trap, and that is how Catholics end up voting for someone like Mr. Obama.
God bless.
- Paul