I will repeat what i have written elsewhere:Not voting for Mr. Romney is a vote for Mr. Obama. That is a fact. I pray that you will reconsider and vote for Mr. Romney. Our very freedom of religion depends upon it. I don’t understand how people are not seeing that!
God bless.
Not voting for Romney is not voting for Romney. I fail to see how voting for “the lesser of two evils” is BETTER than not voting for either of the two evils.
I think the record is clear on Obama. A practicing Catholic can’t vote for him. But that doesn’t mean that they can vote for Romney just to save us from Obama.
Romney’s RECORD on pro-life issues is abysmal. In 2005, when it mattered, he caved under pressure, flip-flopped, and stabbed Catholics and the Constitution in the back. Romney insists and promises that he is now pro-life and that, if elected, he promises to govern as a pro-life President. But, his record belies that promise. As Reagan said, “Trust, but verify.” Romney is an uninteresting opportunist who says one thing and then, when he is in power, caves to pressure and does things differently. His record demonstrates that he is a calculating opportunist. His rhetoric conveniently changes whenever he is up for election or reelection. I am concerned with the record one has while in office, while in power. I care very little about campaign promises or campaing rhetoric. I am concerned with how the product performs, not with the fancy packaging.
I wish there was a candidate that could represent Catholics this Fall, but Romney is not that candidate and I will refuse to vote for him simply because the alternative is that much worse. Primum non nocere. Voting for a fake conservative is much worse than not voting at all. Those that vote FOR Obama will have to answer for it, not those that don’t vote for Romney. I realize that many people actually do believe what Romney says rather than what he does, and vote accordingy. I simply refuse to ignore what the man did while in power when it counted. I refuse to sugarcoat Romney just because his opponent is the Obamination. I refuse to subscribe to the anti-Catholic notion of the “lesser of two evils.” This Machiavellian logic is why we are in this mess. It is why things will only get worse. It’s akin to a frog boiling slowly in water.
The political process has its limitations. Sometimes, given all options, a Catholic cannot in good conscience vote for either option. We are Catholics first, Americans second. Sometimes prayer and fasting is our only option.