USA to blame for tsunami?

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Already it begins. I saw where some are claiming that global warning caused the tsunami. Since they claim the USA is chiefly responsible for global warning…you guessed it America is to blame. Add that to the fact that countries that have opposed the war on terror and are often anti-American are demanding US help. Yep, when in need call on the Americans. Later forget they ever helped you and start bashing them again. But it is really amazing they can blame anything on us. Even earthquakes.
Already it begins. I saw where some are claiming that global warning caused the tsunami. Since they claim the USA is chiefly responsible for global warning…you guessed it America is to blame. Add that to the fact that countries that have opposed the war on terror and are often anti-American are demanding US help. Yep, when in need call on the Americans. Later forget they ever helped you and start bashing them again. But it is really amazing they can blame anything on us. Even earthquakes.
Very true. The important thing is that we do what is right. Doing what is right is our responsibility – whether they appreciate it or not is their responsibility.

I’d rather be miscategorized as a bad person than to be like them – correctly categorized as an ingrate.
Excuse the language…but how in the hell can global warming cause a massive earthquake, which is the actual cause of the Tsunami…The Tsunami is a direct result of a 9.0-9.5 Earthquake that took place in the Indian Ocean…so how in the world did global warming cause that to happen…furthermore, how is the US responsible?

I am tired of being blamed for everything…They should learn not to slap a gift horse in the mouth.
This is is very unscientific and false, but yes the antiamericans is rising because many people think that America produces the war in the world, this is false but many believe it.
Saw a repeat interview yesterday of a newscaster who is a regular on FoxNews being interviewed by Bill O’Reilly. I am sorry, but I don’t recall the newcaster’s name. Anyway, he wrote a book about the sport of countries all over the world of the bashing of America.

Blaming he US for the tsunami is probably one of the latest manisfestation of this “sport.”
I’m still waiting for the first person to blame the earthwake and resulting devastation on the Bush re-election. Surely by now some kook has done so…
Already it begins. I saw where some are claiming that global warning caused the tsunami. Since they claim the USA is chiefly responsible for global warning…you guessed it America is to blame. Add that to the fact that countries that have opposed the war on terror and are often anti-American are demanding US help. Yep, when in need call on the Americans. Later forget they ever helped you and start bashing them again. But it is really amazing they can blame anything on us. Even earthquakes.
You know, we are really insignificant knats when it comes to geological events like this.
They’re right. Sort of.

It was me.

I just couldn’t help myself. I caused the Earthquate and Tsunami in the Indian ocean.

I’m sorry…I had a BELLYACHE! :crying:
They’re right. Sort of.

It was me.

I just couldn’t help myself. I caused the Earthquate and Tsunami in the Indian ocean.

I’m sorry…I had a BELLYACHE! :crying:
Well, you only killed 1/5 the number of people Saddam did, so according to the UN you’re still a mere nuisance not worthy of confronting.

Sorry, couldn’t resist. 😉
But it is really amazing they can blame anything on us. Even earthquakes.
I’m gonna have to agree. I do believe the quake was caused as a direct result of too many liberals jumping up and down in a fit of uncontrolled rage after the election.

(even though I jest, I do not make light of the terrible tragedy and I continue to pray for the folks affected)
**"…Others are engaging even in an eco- type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves. **

So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations. It’s real, and that’s the reason why we have to intensify our efforts, and that’s why this is so important."
(Secretary of Defense William Cohen April 1997)

entire statement:
Sounds like the incompetent, former Sec Def has been watching too many Steven Segal (sp??) Movies, i.e. Under Siege

St. James said:
**"…Others are engaging even in an eco- type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves. **

So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations. It’s real, and that’s the reason why we have to intensify our efforts, and that’s why this is so important."
(Secretary of Defense William Cohen April 1997)

entire statement:
Well actually there are weapons that can cause ‘natural disasters.’ Ever heard of HAARP? It’s been tested. People believe this system has also been responsible for what happened in Asia. The earthquake in Asia coincides with the exact date and close to the same hour as the one that hit Iran a year ago. A lot of other irrational weather phenomenon has been reported this year, for example something about hurricanes or something moving across Florida in criss cross patterns etc. (One HAARP facility is rumoured to be in Rome close to the Vatican. Thoguh the Vatican doesn’t seem to have anything to do with it, but some anti-catholics suspect so. :rolleyes: )

We actually do have weapons that control weather etc.! Accords have apparently been signed so that the military does not use such things but research and experimentation is continuing to be conducted for ‘scientific’ reasons.

I wouldn’t say that ‘America’ is responsible for it, though there are suspicious implications, for example their naval base in Sri Lanka was unaffected, and for some odd reason, their military is heavily involved in the rescueing etc. rather than the standard rescue groups (thoguh this could simply be for the fact that their military was located close by and they’re being helpful). However America stands to gain from the situation by providing geopolitical aid (they’ll support, but in return they get something, ex. permission to station military in strategic locations). Rather than say America I’d refer to more shadowy people behind the scenes, there are many indications that warning systems etc were all in place but not obeyed for irrational reasons. Many people could have been saved, but there are some inane reasons for not delivering a proper warning. Something reeks of conspiracy.

There are extremely evil organizations around this world that believe their end would justify the means. The United Nations reportedly has a depopulation agenda, and will attempt to reach it through means of population control, by promoting abortion, contraception, and if those aren’t working, then by disease, famine, disaster or war. The underlying philosophy is that the less people there are, the more for you and me. As well a lower population would put less of a strain should a one world government be implemented.
Notice the lexicon of the lunatic fringe:
People believe…


…is rumoured to be…

…doesn’t seem to…

…suspect so…

…control weather…

…have apparently been signed…

…suspicious implications…

…military is heavily involved…

…shadowy people behind the scenes…

…extremely evil organizations…

The United Nations reportedly…

…one world government…
Fortunately, I hear Wal-Mart is having a special on tin foil hats.


– Mark L. Chance.
Please refer me to the people who can control the weather.

What a boon for mankind! Let’s congratulate, honor and reward them. No more earthquakes, floods, tornadoes and hurricanes. No more droughts either. There will always be perfect weather, thus no worry of famine, or natural disaster, anywhere in the world.
Chris Jacobsen:
Please refer me to the people who can control the weather.
Some years ago during the cold war, Russia insisted that it had “caused” an earthquake which hit China’s interior - the Chinese complained and all went quiet. No more heard since.

And if the weather is so controllable why isn’t there a place like Camelot on earth to live in? To the best of my knowledge it rains heavy during monsoon season everywhere, tornadoes, snowstorms, ice storms, hurricanes, and baking sun still occur where they have always occured.

Don’t believe me eh mlchance? 😃

That’s alright, I am reluctant to believe it myself. So I’m not going to state any of it as actual fact…

However the facilities exist and proven to work, years ago strategies were to place explosives along fault lines. Today it can be done by using ELF, bounding it off of the ionosphere and targeting any place on earth. It’s no longer the stuff of science fiction :tsktsk:

Like the event that happened in China. As best I remember it was reported to be preceded first by strange colors in the sky, and possibly something like an explosion registered. The leaves on trees etc. looked seriously burned. Can’t remember the details, stuff like this really scares me… I really do hope I’m just paranoid for all our sakes. But there’s nothing to say otherwise. Pass me a tin foil hat if you ever see one at Wal Mart… Here’s some random links if anyone’s interested… interesting stuff… true or false… ya never know… take it with a grain of salt, but I wouldn’t put it past mankind. Weapons of mass destruction, governments and war aside, there are always some other really scary and sick things going on in our world, that you can count on.😦
“If we can control the weather…why isnt there a Camelot”?

Thats like saying, Since there are so many wealthy people on earth, how come there are still starving people and dirt poor nations…answer…cause there exist in the upper echelons of power those who want it that way.
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