USA to blame for tsunami?

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Faithful 2 Rome said:
"answer…cause there exist in the upper echelons of power those who want it that way.

Where do you think they live that they aren’t preturbed by hurricanes, tornadoes, equakes and excessive drought and cold snow?
New York Post:
THE political and ideological exploitation of perhaps the worst natural disaster in all our lifetimes is almost beyond belief — were it not for the fact that nothing these days is beyond belief.

Even as tears spring into the most hard-hearted person’s eyes at both the unimaginable scope of the tragedy and at the wrenching individual stories of loss, opinion leaders just can’t help themselves.

They are using this cataclysm as little more than cheap debate fodder about the nature and character of the United States, its president and its citizens.

Don’t misunderstand.

It is fine and proper to have a debate and discussion about the degree of generosity the United States could, should and must show in the wake of this literally earth-shaking event.

But at this moment, the United States is not the issue.

The foreign-aid budget of the United States is not the issue.

Our government should not be the focal point of the discussion right now.
What I also read was,We should have given them better warning of the oncoming tsunami.

I guess we are expected to be EVERY WHERE AT EVERY TIME FOR EVERY ONE.
What I also read was,We should have given them better warning of the oncoming tsunami.

I guess we are expected to be EVERY WHERE AT EVERY TIME FOR EVERY ONE.
Geologist gave repeated alerts
Sieh believes this means another quake could be on the way: “There is some evidence that the stresses on the tectonic plates south of the epicentre may now have increased and raised the chances of another major earthquake.”
The blame will be next to Christians as a whole… and the Jews as well… for allah is punishing the Kufr… 😃 issue date 01 & 02 january, check it out.
Maybe the best warning is education. We need to teach people that if they see the sea receed, they run for high ground.

Funny, when I lived in California, we were taught that in school, it probably should be mandatory education throughout the world.
Chris Jacobsen:
Please refer me to the people who can control the weather.What a boon for mankind! Let’s congratulate, honor and reward them. No more earthquakes, floods, tornadoes and hurricanes. No more droughts either. There will always be perfect weather, thus no worry of famine, or natural disaster, anywhere in the world.
That is exactly IT!!! Because we cannot with control God’s Nature the wacko’s are given license to describe events this way:
People believe… …coincides… …is rumoured to be…
…doesn’t seem to… …suspect so…control weather…
…have apparently been signed…suspicious implications…
…military is heavily involved…shadowy people behind the scenes…extremely evil organizations…The United Nations reportedly…one world government…
WHEN ASKED Monday if climate change – global warming – was behind the deadly Asian tsunami, the United Nation’s Jan Egeland – he of “stingy” aid fame – said no, the tsunami was a “geologically caused” disaster. "A tsunami like this is caused by an earthquake that has nothing to do with climate change, " he explained. Minutes later, however, Egeland did suggest a possible connection between global warming and the disaster. He had heard that one-third of the Maldives islands disappeared momentarily underwater, he said, adding that “actually climate change means oceans (are) growing, (so) certainly tsunamis will have an ever greater effect.”
Have you heard about Michael Crighton’s (Jurassic Park) new book? I cannot remember the name of it but I saw him interviewed about it. It is about the global warming fallacy. Apparently, Crighton is pretty brilliant and has studied global warming for a few years and has come up with the conclusion (as have many prominent scientists) that there is no such phenomena as “global warming”. He has really ticked off some of the Hollywood elite running around screaming that the “sky is falling”. Of course, he has made them mad before when he said something about how magnificently stupid many of the Hollywood set are. (I like him more all the time.)

My brother loves to say, “You hear about the international conference on global warming? It got snowed out!” 😃

I am not at all surprised to hear that the tsunami is our fault. I worked with a teacher last year who complained constantly about Bush. I promise you - if the woman was constipated, she would find some way to blame it on W. You know I didn’t like Clinton but I didn’t spew the venomous hatred that I read everyday in our newspaper’s little “sound-off” section. :eek:
That is exactly IT!!! Because we cannot with control God’s Nature the wacko’s are given license to describe events this way:
Haha, you really think that because the technology is there those people are going to use it for the good of mankind?:rotfl:

Profit comes first, :yup: there are a great many things I’ve heard that can be instantly changed today, and I’m not talking about medicine or things that would need to be invested in, just take a simple look at things having to do with politics themelves. Yet we’re all a bunch of greedy people aren’t we? If I had no conscience or was a ‘wacko patriot’ or something, the first thing I’d have thought is using these as weapons for deterrence. AS the philosophy goes, if I kill everyone else first, then I’d be protecting my own people, and that would be a good moral thing! tsk tsk…

It would be more accurate to say that we cannot CONTROL the natural weather, but we can CREATE disaster weather (maybe we could if we wanted to, dissipate harmful weather, but as far as impressions on this stuff go, all they could do is cause disturbances, stir things up and let them happen)… So, continue calling me a wacko if you wish, I’d easily turn around and say you’re just in denial, that if you were to discover things similar to this actually turning out to be real, you’d deny it because you wouldn’t want to deal with the reality as such possibilities are disturbing to you… you don’t want any responsibility or connection to it because you’d feel helpless. And I don’t blame you, those are perfectly natural and I’d be inclined to feel the same.

Oh, btw, the One World Government is very real, as predicted in Revelations, and both Jesus and John told us about earthquakes happening, increasing in frequency and strength. This has been a confirmed pattern from the U.S. Geological Survey Earthquake Report. So whether man made or natural, they’re gonna happen. Read your own Scriptures…
I’m still waiting for the first person to blame the earthwake and resulting devastation on the Bush re-election. Surely by now some kook has done so…
😃 Ok I will be the first. I am Australian so I guess that will fit the bill.

It is the fault of the USA because they saw fit to re-elect George Bush instead of that pro-abortionist Kerry. Satan is upset because he did not get his way and the rest of the world is being punished because Satan is losing ground with abortion. 😛

Have you heard about Michael Crighton’s (Jurassic Park) new book? I cannot remember the name of it but I saw him interviewed about it. It is about the global warming fallacy. Apparently, Crighton is pretty brilliant and has studied global warming for a few years and has come up with the conclusion (as have many prominent scientists) that there is no such phenomena as “global warming”. He has really ticked off some of the Hollywood elite running around screaming that the “sky is falling”. Of course, he has made them mad before when he said something about how magnificently stupid many of the Hollywood set are. (I like him more all the time.)

My brother loves to say, “You hear about the international conference on global warming? It got snowed out!” 😃

I am not at all surprised to hear that the tsunami is our fault. I worked with a teacher last year who complained constantly about Bush. I promise you - if the woman was constipated, she would find some way to blame it on W. You know I didn’t like Clinton but I didn’t spew the venomous hatred that I read everyday in our newspaper’s little “sound-off” section. :eek:
Hey yeah! Crichton has some brilliant essays and things to say about all the bad science going on out there! 😃 Could you link me to some of his work… I had this really good one, but lost it since, I think it was on one of his websites…
MaggieOH said:
😃 Ok I will be the first. I am Australian so I guess that will fit the bill.

It is the fault of the USA because they saw fit to re-elect George Bush instead of that pro-abortionist Kerry. Satan is upset because he did not get his way and the rest of the world is being punished because Satan is losing ground with abortion. 😛


Hey you’re Australian! Don’t pick on the US! After all the US did warn one country other than their own naval base in Sri Lanka about the Earthquake while ignoring the rest… that country was yours!🙂
While I hate to be a buzz kill, and the accusations are ridiculous, I feel like we should be taking the death of more than 150,000 souls, a little more seriously. Regaurdless of how they were killed, if someone were to come into this forum and talk about 9/11 without the reverence it deserves more than half the members here would be up in arms. The devastation is immeasurable. My heart aches for allof the orphans, and widows, and people left to be alone in this world. We should pray that they have Christ, or find him soon, also a prayer for those departed.
Already it begins. I saw where some are claiming that global warning caused the tsunami. Since they claim the USA is chiefly responsible for global warning…you guessed it America is to blame. Add that to the fact that countries that have opposed the war on terror and are often anti-American are demanding US help. Yep, when in need call on the Americans. Later forget they ever helped you and start bashing them again. But it is really amazing they can blame anything on us. Even earthquakes.
Silly cestusdei. No one is blaming the US. Let’s concentrate on helping the victims, OK?
jdnation -
Yes, I actually just read the Caltech Michelin Lecture on aliens and global warming. When you google “Michael Crichton” you get a lot of discussion boards where people really hate him. The funniest statement I read was that Michael Crighton writes like “old people…” well, have sex but they used a crude term. I thought “these silly kids - they think they invented sex”. To me, that only means that Michael Crichton must be a darn good writer. 😉 His book about global warming is called “State of Fear”, by the way. He really points out the hypocrisy of a lot of environmentalists (oh and by the way, I absolutely think that we should be good stewards of the earth that God gave us). In the interview I saw, he talks about being aboard a private jet with some celeb who starts to whine about the environment and he stopped him and told him that if he had wanted to talk about the environment that the conversation should be taking place on a commercial flight. I actually never have read any of his books - not really interested in dinosaurs and such, but this book sounds pretty interesting - I am going to read it.
While I hate to be a buzz kill, and the accusations are ridiculous, I feel like we should be taking the death of more than 150,000 souls, a little more seriously. Regaurdless of how they were killed, if someone were to come into this forum and talk about 9/11 without the reverence it deserves more than half the members here would be up in arms. The devastation is immeasurable. My heart aches for allof the orphans, and widows, and people left to be alone in this world. We should pray that they have Christ, or find him soon, also a prayer for those departed.
No one here is disputing the tragedy of the situation - it is truly heart-wrenching. This is a discussion of the ridiculous thinking of those who would immediately be using a tragedy such as this to find new ways to bash the U.S. They are the ones to be chastised for their insensitivity. I guarantee that the majority of the people posting here have already tried to contribute to the relief efforts under way and I am willing to bet that we have all spent time in prayer over this.
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