USA to blame for tsunami?

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Already it begins. I saw where some are claiming that global warning caused the tsunami. Since they claim the USA is chiefly responsible for global warning…you guessed it America is to blame. Add that to the fact that countries that have opposed the war on terror and are often anti-American are demanding US help. Yep, when in need call on the Americans. Later forget they ever helped you and start bashing them again. But it is really amazing they can blame anything on us. Even earthquakes.
They’ll probably blame the U.S. for the Second Coming when it happens, too.
Heres an interesting conumdrum for everyone.
  1. Al Jazira airs and publishes all the Anti Western rhetoric from the likes of Bin Laden.
  2. Al Jazira gets its air time from the Star Satelite system.
  3. The Star satelite system is owned and controlled by Rupert Murdoch.
  4. Rupert Murdoch’s empire is based in the USA.
Ergo, is the USA to blame for all the anti western rhetoric from the Bin Laden?:banghead:

Rupert Murdoch is a wealthy American businessman. Although his business may affect world opinion, it’s actions are not necessarily the will of our government or it’s citzens. He’s out to put a few coins in his pocket no matter who pays.
Heres an interesting conumdrum for everyone.
  1. Al Jazira airs and publishes all the Anti Western rhetoric from the likes of Bin Laden.
  2. Al Jazira gets its air time from the Star Satelite system.
  3. The Star satelite system is owned and controlled by Rupert Murdoch.
  4. Rupert Murdoch’s empire is based in the USA.
Ergo, is the USA to blame for all the anti western rhetoric from the Bin Laden?:banghead:

Excuse me, but since we have freedom of speech then Rupert Murdoch is not to blame for allowing them to purchase air time. This is a twisted way to place blame. It shows how connected we all are, but it by no means puts us to blame for the propaganda of Al Jazira.
The cleics will have a lot to answer to when they meet their maker. I think it is sinful misleading people and encouraging hatred.
I agree that it is sinful to mislead people and encourage hatred. This is why I turn to the writings of the prophets as well as the Psalms, for I know that the wicked, especially those who do violence to others and who preach hatred against others will be judged fairly before God.

Rupert Murdoch is a wealthy American businessman. Although his business may affect world opinion, it’s actions are not necessarily the will of our government or it’s citzens. He’s out to put a few coins in his pocket no matter who pays.
Rupert Murdoch is an Australian/American businessman who happens to own a very large media empire.

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