USCCB Condemns Separating Immigrant Children from Families

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You know, the inability to provide you with a solution that meets your personal approval does not make the current status quo just or acceptable. I trust the expertise of policy analysts at USCCB, Catholic Charities, etc. to draft the specifics.
But they aren’t offering a solution of any type either.

Just more useless sophistry.
I wasn’t cheering for War. Requesting military intervention to save lives is necessary and warranted in some cases! Unlike you, I am not a pacifist.
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They are treated humanely, they’re being kept in air conditioned housing, clothes, fed, and being given legal counsel.
Whether immigrants or asylum seekers are let in or not is surely separate to the question of whether it is necessary to separate parents from their children as part of the process.
Instead of accusing people like me of victim blaming, tell me what you have done to solve the problem on the Southern Border? I am sorry, if I have greater sympathy for the kids in Arkansas who are using textbooks first distributed in the 1980’s than kids from other nations who want to take those books from the kids in Arkansas.
Keeping asylum-seeking families together does not take any textbooks away from kids in Arkansas.
Can anyone still justify that what we’re doing is the right thing?
You mean enforcing the border?

Or do you mean cutting down on human trafficking? … which is a really big deal … we are arresting 50,000 people per month who do not cross at the border crossings.
You mean 50,000 border crossers, not 50,000 traffickers in human flesh.
If someone crosses at the border crossings we let them in.
Not true. Some are just summarily turned away.
I do not believe that there is much hope of getting the USCCB back on the rails. IMO, it should be dissolved, pondered, prayed over and a replacement sought.

It is poisoned with radical progressive politics.
Christ himself gave the apostles and their successors all authority to forgive sin in his name. You should not discount them so lightly just because you have an incompatible ideology.
Or maybe you can convert to some other religion, since the USCCB doesn’t square with your ideology.
There is a difference between enforcing borders and separating families. As Catholics, we should take the lead to show how we can keep families intact while still maintaining law & order. We’re smart enough to figure it out, I’m sure.
Or maybe you can convert to some other religion, since the USCCB doesn’t square with your ideology.
Funny that you said “the USCCB,” and not the Catholic Church. Glad you made that distinction, though.

If he disagrees with the USCCB, I don’t see why he has to convert to some other religion. Unless you’re suggesting that as Catholics, we all ought to be sheeple and simply accept everything they say without thinking or questioning.
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Whether immigrants or asylum seekers are let in or not is surely separate to the question of whether it is necessary to separate parents from their children as part of the process.
The real problem here is that a lot of people are being disingenuous about the whole issue.

They “say” its about separating parents from children. But the Flores decision makes that mandatory.

President Trump will be housing the children together with the adults who say they are their parents to resolve this, but it isn’t going to be satisfactory. Putting kids into an adult penitentiary might not work out that well.

What complainers really want, what they should have said right from the jump, is that they want open borders and let everyone in if they just say they are claiming asylum.

There is a lot to be said for honesty.
I suppose it could be argued that making the penitentiary more suitable for families is a more compassionate solution than separating them.

The whole immigration situation is a nightmare and the idea that we can just throw open borders is pretty naive. You do have to think about the impact on jobs and housing, you have to consider how the people will fit into the country especially when they don’t speak the language, don’t have workplace skills or come from a culture that is a bad fit. I don’t think making bad decisions is compassionate in the long run.
Or maybe you can convert to some other religion, since the USCCB doesn’t square with your ideology.
As a quick lesson in English, the first statement did not, in fact, make a distinction. It does the opposite, implying the USCCB is representing the Church. It actually does, but only as individual bishops (which are unified on this topic). With the Holy Father saying the same thing, though, then they can be equated on this issue.
Catholics, we all ought to be sheeple
If this rhetorical word means people who are as sheep, then the answer is that you can blame Jesus for that crazy idea. Rejecting the teaching of Jesus is rejecting him. That is why he says those who refuse to be the sheep, by helping those in need, are not sheep, but goats, and they will be thrust into outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

I am thinking of the parable of Lazarus, where the rich man had a gulf, greater than the Rio Grande, upon which he found himself after death. On the other side, he saw the one he looked down upon, despised, and refused to welcome, but by then, it was too late. He could not immigrate, legally or illegally, into Heaven.
I suppose it could be argued that making the penitentiary more suitable for families is a more compassionate solution than separating them.
From the POV of the child, it must be. If one pictures the same child warehouse, it seems more humane to picture a mother and/or father in their with them, awaiting their deportation.
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You play word games and then hide behind scripture to make it look as though you have the moral high ground. Also, you’re assuming I haven’t seen that tactic before. Well, you’re wrong on all counts.

Oh, and here’s an infographic too.
Also, you’re assuming I haven’t seen that tactic before. Well, you’re wrong on all counts.
And I have seen evasion.

Calling something a “word game” without saying where the error lies, is evasion. As to your infographic, I most readily concede that the left uses stupid tactics just as much. By stupid, in this case, I mean pictures without context. This is why I do not like memes, except for purposes of humor. They do not convey messages any better than a bumper sticker… or a MAGA cap.
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While listening to, I think it was World Over Live-on catholic radio and I came in just after the introduction so I missed the guest name, they were talking about how the feds originally were not separating the children. I think it was under Clinton or GW Bush. Anyway there was a lawsuit and the supreme court said they could not hold the children in a prison/jail/confinement with their parents for more than 20 days I think. Some child advocacy groups brought the lawsuit. So if the fed govt was to put the children back with the parents who are being incarcerated for illegally coming over they would be in violation and sued again.

I don’t like the children being separated anymore than anyone else. We also can not just let people come in illegally and not hold them for breaking the law or until we decide if we need to send them home or give asylum. I’ve also read that quite a large number of the children were being sent over without their families by the coyotes, now I don’t know how true this is but I could see that happening as a cover if it is really the case, I would hate to see the children sent over without their families then get caught up in something horrible like child sex trafficking.

It is a no win situation and is sad all the way around.
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