Using most of the MGTOW Philosophy in choosing the right women?

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I had to look up MGTOW.
MGTOW is the male version of third wave feminism where they whine and complain and blame everyone for their problems but themselves.
I don’t always agree with your posts, but this is pretty much spot-on.
Note to self: avoid any men who whine and complain and base it on MGTOW.
Is it bad to use most of the MGTOW Philosophy in choosing the right women for marriage? What are your thoughts about it? That’s why I am using the word ‘most’ because some of the ideas and philosophies are wrong and reject the virtue of hope and humility like hating women and acting bitter against them. I know it’s hard to come by with a woman who takes responsibility to their actions, women who is described in Proverbs 31:10-31, and most of all who humble themselves before the LORD and Husband. What are your thoughts about it. Please help me in my spiritual growth brothers. Correct me if I am wrong. Thank You.
Some aspects of the MGTOW philosophy are good. Some are not.

It is an affirmation of strength and self-worth to say “I do not have to have a woman to be happy. True, if I want sex and want to have children, I will have to get married. But my life is good and I am determined to have a happy, holy, fulfilling life, whether I ever have a spouse or not.” (Keep in mind that single men can adopt. A friend of mine did this, and he was an excellent father.) I know because, while I do not embrace the MGTOW philosophy, this is exactly what my life is like — a single divorced father with no annulment (thus unable to marry), and that will possibly never change. (No, my son is not adopted. He’s mine.)

MGTOW’s often-toxic attitudes towards women, and to a lesser extent towards the larger society, are not a good thing. There are many good women, to be sure, but some women have set themselves up in such an anti-male stance that they would not make good wives for anyone. Some are happy with their lives — WGTOW, if you will — and if that’s their choice, so be it.

I don’t think it’s a bad thing, as well, to recognize that modern western society is not exactly set up to affirm men. Girls can wear T-shirts that say “boys lie” and that is seen as OK. A woman can proclaim “the future is female” or “anything a man can do, a woman can do better” and that is seen as OK too. Try saying something that affirms your gender if you are a man, or something that proclaims a politically incorrect opinion about the opposite sex, and see what happens.

Even though it’s a movie I can’t recommend (the bathtub scene needs to be fast-forwarded through for any normal male who cares about chastity), The 40-Year-Old Virgin actually affirms, in a roundabout, secular way, that there is absolutely nothing wrong with a man who does not have a woman in his life, and who does not have sex. It is everyone else in the movie who has a problem with it, not him. He has a good life and he is happy. It’s a vulgar movie that shouldn’t be one’s first choice for entertainment, but it does have an overall good message.
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It’s very sad to see things broken down into movements. Both men and women can think for themselves. I avoid total strangers telling me what to do.
The ‘married’ version of mgtow would be the red pill movement. The red pill is pretty broad because it can refer to normal conservatives, but I’m referring to the red pill in regards to relationships with women.

I remembered seeing so so so many threads about these men divorcing and encouraging each other to leave their wives after they snap back for being treated badly. Yikes.
While I generally agree with your posts, mgtow promotes one night stands and pornography in place of a relationship. (and then boast about it to all of their Internet friends).

Certain beliefs are okay, but once it forms a community it can turn toxic really quickly
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While I generally agree with your posts, mgtow promotes one night stands and pornography in place of a relationship. (and then boast about it to all of their Internet friends).

Certain beliefs are okay, but once it forms a community it can turn toxic really quickly
Indeed it can. But within certain parts of the “men’s movement”, there are websites that encourage the avoidance of pornography and solitary vice, and that encourage men to break these habits if they have fallen prey to them. That can’t be a bad thing.
I am in a state of total confusion.
I’d say!

Best you leave all this toxic red pill internet stuff alone. Instead, focus on loving God, loving your neighbor, and improving your social skills so that you can get comfortable getting to know the women in your community.
The virtue of chastity is good for both sexes.

The promiscuous lifestyle has proven to be detrimental to society.
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Before you throw yourself out there to meet women, ask yourself, “Am I the type of guy that the woman of my dreams would desire?”
If you look into the forums and Youtube videos about MGTOW, you’ll find some good information about dating here and there, for the most part, those videos and forums are for mainly guys who are struggling.
Do you want to struggle finding a woman? Such a desire would make you focus on women too much, my answer to this is, stop thinking about women so much before it becomes your life.
I’d suggest using Ephesians 5, instead.

If you become what Ephesians 5 says a married man ought to be, there is a far better chance you’ll be ready to meet and marry a woman who has made herself what Ephesians 5 says a married woman ought to be.

MGTOW has nothing to do with the mind of Christ. It is a movement that is all about preserving self-sovereignty, not a movement about submitting to the sovereignty of Christ. The way it considers women is repugnant to a man of God who knows the dignity of the daughters of the Lord.

Conform yourself to the mind of Christ as described in by the epistles and in the plain meaning of the Gospels. If you do that and it turns out marriage is in God’s plan for you, you can let God take care of finding you a bride.

Unless the LORD build the house,
they labor in vain who build.
Unless the LORD guard the city,
in vain does the guard keep watch.

It is vain for you to rise early
and put off your rest at night,
To eat bread earned by hard toil—
all this God gives to his beloved in sleep.
(Ps. 127: 1-2)
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I would hesitate (strongly) to call MGTOW and other incel-y “thinking” as a philosophy.
I really want to have a family but seeing modern society had become I had never been confused more than before. It’s really hard to maneuver through the maze without knowledge on how to maneuver it.
Never mind, it was pointed out to me you’re in the Philippines.
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The OP is in the Philippines. Are there Latin American women there? Probably but not a whole lot.

I highly doubt Filipino women are less open to marriage and motherhood than Latin American women.

They are also devout Catholics having been ruled by Spain for centuries.
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Did you read the rest of the post that I was replying to?
So do this mean that men are slaves for women?
So feminism is right and men are nothing but garbage ready to be dumped for sacrificing their lives for women who exploit them?
So patriarchy today is “HEVEL”?
So woman who accuse innocent man with false rape now legal?
So do I have to endure Jezebel women just to get married?
IMO, that opinion is not compatible with being ready for marriage.
So do this mean that men are slaves for women?
No sane person has ever claimed that that is the case.
So feminism is right and men are nothing but garbage ready to be dumped for sacrificing their lives for women who exploit them?
That is not what feminism says—insofar as anybody actually knows what feminism says, given that feminism covers a broad range of divergent and sometimes contradictory positions. To the best of my knowledge, there is no form of feminism that defines men as garbage or advocates the exploitation of men.
So patriarchy today is “HEVEL”?
I’m not sure why you are resorting to using vocabulary from biblical Hebrew. You are possibly correct to suggest that patriarchy may be “hevel” in the sense of “temporary” or “transitory”, if only because most social and political structures turn out to be temporary or transitory. You could say, for example, that feudalism was “hevel”.
So woman who accuse innocent man with false rape now legal?
I know nothing about the law in the Philippines, but I’d be very surprised indeed if it were to be legal for women (or men) to make unfounded allegations of this kind. I assume that the Philippines must recognise crimes such as perverting the course of justice and perjury, although they perhaps have slightly different names. These are typically considered to be extremely serious crimes.
So do I have to endure Jezebel women just to get married?
Wherever are you getting the idea that all women are like Jezebel? That’s like saying that all men are like Ahab.

It sounds to me like you have a lot of problems with women. Would you self-identify as a misogynist? I think that you need to get some help, from a priest, from a counsellor, from somebody.
He’s just young and looking for sanity in a clown world. For all you know, he might have had a lot of bad experiences with women and just needs reassurance that good ones are out there.

Honestly, people are too harsh on the single guys who come on here asking for advice.
I think maybe that’s part of the problem.Ie:things like MGTOW are filling a gap in the market.
Guys who are disillusioned with current society or lost etc are looking for some guidance and there are limited options for them.
I think if there were some more Catholic based websites on men and masculinity and feminism in society etc advising in a more literal everyday way instead of just “distant concepts” that might help young men navigate life better and give them alternative views to MGTOW (or feminism)?
I have to wonder if he’s not been poisoned against the one good wife he could find but whom he’ll never meet because he’s been told that all women are looking to enslave him for his wages until they can divorce him for the alimony. How can someone find a good spouse when he or she is afraid that everyone out there is a self-centered, cold-hearted, manipulative wolf in sheep’s clothing?

As Belle chided the young Scrooge in A Christmas Carol: You fear the world too much.

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides. Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil.
Matt. 6:33-34
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