instead, they are calling public officials to form the conscience in light of the truth.
who’s truth? what truth? How many people are Americans? What is their faith based value system? Do they have one? Is one better than the other? Should one take precedence over the other? No, not in America. We have the freedom of religion, and those who do not share my same faith system, should not be subjected to it by force as a whole. I respect their freedom “from” religion.
First of all, I hope as a catholic you believe that the church teaches truth. Second, freedom from religion is not the problem. I am not suggesting that we force anyone to practice any religion. I am only saying that everyone uses their religion or their lack thereof to form their opinions and then they use those opinions to demand public policy. There is no such thing as a neutral opinion. It is either informed by faith or by a secularist dogma. Given that fact, we all have a right to present out arguments in the public square even if they result from our faith.
Don’t cloud the issue with abortion. This is illegal immigration, a crime. I, personally am against abortion, it is my inner conscience that supports this decision. I think for myself, as an American, that is the way to go. I don’t ride bandwagons. My church is my spiritual guide, my historical framework. It is not my conscience, my consceince is divinely inspiried from within by the Holy Spirit.
If the Vatican wants to help…send money, send missionaries, set up refuges/sanctuaries for illegal immigrants in Mexico, show them “how to” come to America legally. Be part of the solution.
I am not clouding the issue at all. You stated that the church has no right to impose it’s opinion on this matter. I pointed out another instance where similar arguments are used. So, you are ok with the church interfering in the case abortion because you agree, but not on immigration because you disagree?
The church has offered many solution, includes support for the McCain bill. The USCCB has advocated many immigration reforms, which would help curb the problem of illegal immigration. Including increase the immigrant quota to reflect the number of workers demanded by American employers. If we just did that, fewer people could come here to work illegally because they could work legally.
Secondly, In the same way that the church is not obligated to provide assistance to pregnant women when she tells them not to have abortion, she is not obligated here either. However, you should know that the church does plenty to help Mexican immigrants who come into this country. Every dioceses website I have been to has a link to the “justice for immigrants” office, which provides assistance to as well as advocacy for immigrants. In dioceses where there are many Mexican immigrants, much is done to help their spiritual and material needs. Add to that the catholic hospitals, and charities that regular provide assistance to anyone, including immigrants, we see that the church has already put its money where its mouth is.
Your refugee camp idea is just plain silly. It is completely unnecessary since we don’t have squatter problem. Immigrants usually hook up with other immigrants and so have no need to be placed in refugee camps. This only reflects the gross exaggeration that accompanies the anti-immigrant position. When we get Americans to believe that we need to start building refugee camps in the middle of Arizona, they are led to falsely believe that this is great crisis that demands drastic as opposed to reasonable solutions. But I assure, if they were ever a need for refugee camps, the church would be there providing assistance.
The Church recognizes however is that much of this about Xenophobia. When I speak to older Polish immigrants, they often talk about feeling unwelcomed when they come to America. And there’s certainly historical evidence of Chinese, Italian, and Irish Americans were treated horribly when they first came to America. Sadly, the children of these immigrants are doing the same thing. The church knows what’s going on, and she’s not buying it.