I have not seen a shred of evidence that the these bishops and cardinals are regenegade. The cardinals and the bishops are not only part of the church, but they represent the church’s teaching authority. And unless they are contradicting established church teaching, I believe that we are called to obey them. It is a mistake that we are called to listen only to the pope and ignore everyone else. We are called to obey ALL our prelates as long as they are in communion with Rome, and on this issue, no one has contradicted Rome.
I can’t think of a larger immigrant activitist group in this country besides the catholic church. Besides the numerous pastoral proclamations of the bishops and cardinals, they are several catholic organizations working on this issue. There is a group of priest called “priest for justice” which regularly participates in marches and other pro-immigrant activities. Almost every catholic diocese has a link to the “Justice for immigrant website,” which is an umbrella organization for several catholic pro-immigrant organizations.
One would think if these priests, bishops, and cardinals were such renegade, there would hvae been at least a comment by this and the last pope condemning these activities. Yet, there has been no condemnation. In fact this speech by pope John Paul II is regularly quoted by pro-immigrant advocates.
As someone who wasn’t sure what to think about this issue, reading this speech by Pope John Paul helped shaped my opinion.
P.S. I think it’s important to realize that pro-immigration does not mean pro illegal immigration. Almost everyone agree that illegal immigration is a problem. Where pro-immigration advocates differ, including the USCCB, is that we believe that the United States has a responsibility to reform its policies to make legal immigration and residency for the millions of people whose labors are exploited by a failed immigration policy.