I get concerned when the person I am speaking to is as disconnected from what I saying. Are you talking to me or the person you think I am. I challenge you to find where I said, I want a one-world government. In fact, I remember saying the opposite. I remember saying, that I don’t want a one world government but a balance of global power. So, you are clearly arguing with someone in your own imagination.
You have made it clear how you feel by saying that there should not be a fence without immigration reform. What you fail to understand is that your liberal open door policy will make any fence moot. I only want legal immigrants without criminal records, who have had background checks for gang membership, diseases, etc., ones who have good prospects for gainful employment, and it would be nice if they spoke English. From what I can tell you have not sited any such stringent requiremtns.
First, of all you are engaging in ridiculous hyperbole. We are responsible for helping our neighbors who work in our communities some of whom have lived in this counry for 10-20 years. Kendy
In true liberal fashion you simply wish to sidestep the issue of paying for your wild ideas. This is the second time I have asked you how your want to finance your intentions to pay the way for all the medical needs of these illegal aliens. Here is a radical idea; how about reserving our funds to help our AMERICAN neighbors who are here legally?
Ok, then what are your criteria for immigration reform? Just who would you allow in here since you are prepared to not have a fence before your strange ideas are implemented.
Many economist think that illegal immigrants have done good to our economy, and that we need to normalize their status. As I have said before, no one wants illegal immigration. I want to implement reform so facilitate the LEGAL migration of migrant workers. Kendy
You will have to forgive me if I do not believe you. Please provide a list of these “many economist.” I am a fan of Thomas Sowell and he has said the following:
Some free-market advocates argue that the same principle which justifies free international trade in commodities should justify the free movement of people as well. But this ignores the fact that people have consequences that go far beyond the consequences of commodities.
Commodities are used up and vanish. People generate more people, who become a permanent and expanding part of the country’s population and electorate.
It is an irreversible process – and a potentially dangerous process, as Europeans have discovered with their “guest worker” programs that have brought in many Muslims who are fundamentally hostile to the culture and the people that welcomed them.
Unlike commodities, people in a welfare state have legal claims on other people’s tax dollars and expensive services in schools and hospitals, not to mention the high cost of imprisoning many of them who commit crimes.
I know that other respected economist like Walter E. Williams and Brian Westbury agree. Just who are your references?
As for harming America, I grew up in Miami so I know first hand how much good immigrants, illegal and legal, can do for the American economy. Immigration has turned Miami into a world class international city. Before 1950, it was a sleepy southern town, and now, it’s one of the largest metropolitan centers in the country. Kendy
Many argue Miami has become a third world country. You seem to have serious problems understanding cause and effect. You can not have 12 million people in this country consuming US services and making up for it with low paying jobs like picking fruit or bussing tables. It just does not add up. As second generation illegal immigrants live here they demand instructions and signs in Spanish instead of English. They commit a disproportionate amount of crime and use up medical services. On and on people have told you this in this thread and other post yet you ignore these facts. You seem to be one of these naïve people that think money does indeed grow on trees. (Of coarse you would also be the type to hire a flock of illegal immigrants to pick the money, LOL)
What you don’t realize is that for the reasons I give above and in other posts this country is being hamstrung from within by people like you. I really hate to see this. The US has give billions of dollars in foreign aid and military assistance in the past and currently. We enjoy the highest standard of living anywhere. All this will slowly end if we do not remain a nation that respects its own laws. It is bad enough when foreigners ignore our rules, but I can not understand why people like you do as well. I really believe that you have some hidden agenda.