Br. JR, as others already have, I ,too, thank you for your post #120, referred to above by Marauder. For the primary purposes you intended–clearing up misconceptions about numbers of nuns involved and the limited mission of Archbishop Sartain-- you (and iloveangels) have done an admirable job.
But, as Hamlet said, “Ay, there’s the rub!” Faithful Catholics are concerned about such matters only because of the underlying and far more important issue of the elephant in the room: they want to see the beginning of the end to the horrors of the Americanist Heresy:
see also
So-called “rights” to abortifacients, contraception, sterilization, abortion, infanticide (“partial birth” abortion), all at public expense; homosexual rights including marriage, and homosexual indoctrination of school children (usually under the guise of “bulling”); ordination of women; paganism; Socialism; sacrilegious liturgies and reception of the Eucharist; dissident clergy and religious; a post-Jesus church; etc., etc. Those are the horrors and actual evils that the Faithful see or read about every day, and which are associated with dissident organizations such LCWR/NETWORK/CTA.
Accordingly, my friend (and I sincerely mean that) I wish you hadn’t concluded your informative post #120 with a subjective conclusion:
" I don’t believe that the LCWR intentionally meant to deceive anyone by claiming that it represents 80% of American sisters. It’s all in how one reads the statistics. We’re not talking about evil people here. Neither the sisters nor the hierarchy have an agenda here, other than to do what they think is right. Which is where they disagree."
That statement --no matter how well intentioned and limited in scope–can be twisted and spun by the dissidents for purposes of their very real and very evil agenda. It will go something like this: “We are just stunned and surprised that the Vatican would attack 80% of American nuns who further the Gospel’s command to bring justice and piece. We have no other agenda than to do what is right.”