Vietnamese Baptist Church Burned in Philadelphia During Black Lives Matter Riots

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Well, I guess then you take major issue with Trump using the office to enrich himself.
Well, you’ve shown no evidence of that, but we can look at Biden and Obama, Pelosi and others, who have indeed enriched them while in office.
So, yes, to the extent that Trump has enriched himself while in office (making him like the others I mentioned), I have a major issue with it.
The cause of this is too much power in Washington. The solution is reducing that power Back to its constitutional levels.
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Do you still follow CNN? And how their followers harassed Nick Sandmann? You cannot through all truth out from a publication just because they get some things wrong.
So any report of CNN you disregard? What am I defending that is indefensible? You have not made it clear.
Alex Jones. The man lied about the murder of children causing their parents to be harassed and threatened by his followers. You come back with fake double standards and that he is right 95% of the time. Give me a break.
Anyway, what is important is this initial story of the church burning did happen.

Infowars though, as a source, I would not want to read, they call the website itself a bit of a “tin foil” conapiratorial website.

But if one sees some story posted, find a legitimate source for the story. I’ve done that, a website doesn’t even need to be that far out.
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But I didn’t defend his story on the murdered children or the harassment of the parents. So what am I defending that is wrong?
Right I said he got the Sandy Hook massacre wrong. What about that is defending his Sandy shook story? I openly said he got it wrong.
Don’t know. Is it being reported by real news sources?
The original source for the story is Baptist Press, the official news outlet of the Southern Baptist Convention. The story has “BP” for Baptist Press on it every place I’ve seen it on the web.
Do you think the Baptists make up stories about their own churches getting torched?

Hey look, here’s the actual webpage of the church in question with an announcement that it burned down, pictures of the fire, fire trucks etc. and a GoFundMe.

It’s completely mind boggling to me that someone who questioned a story wouldn’t take 30 seconds to Google and see that the church burned before they start complaining about sources, especially when this happened in a major US city and not some remote outpost where there’s no English language web pages and no press.
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So any report of CNN you disregard? What am I defending that is indefensible? You have not made it clear.
No, But I do examine it for bias. They’ve earned their reputation

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I disagree that if you get a story wrong that you should automatically be disregarded forever. I don’t have an all or nothing approach. I also condemned what you say I endorse which is not very charitable. Any story needs to be taken with skepticism even those that you think are fringe. You may not like the guy, I certainly don’t, but he has uncovered a lot truth.
I would be upset he said something, but I wouldn’t say everything he says should be automatically discredited. Skeptical, sure, but not automatically discredited. These all or nothing stances are dangerous. I will pray you become less extremist in ideology!
Well, I guess I haven’t shown that then.
You haven’t. You’ve simply stated it, but I did notice the absence of comment about the root cause of corruption: excessive government power.
Do you agree with me that the cause of the corruption we are talking about is too much power held in Washington, and that the cure is a return to constitutional limits on federal power?
You haven’t. You’ve simply stated it
Ah, so it doesn’t exist until I do what exactly?
Nothing you don’t want to do. You made a comment about Trump violating the emoluments clause without evidence.
But even at that, I said that, to the extent it is true, I find it a major issue.
Do you find the enrichment by Obama, Biden and Pelosi equally egregious?
And again, do you agree with me that the cause of the corruption we are talking about is too much power held in Washington, and that the cure is a return to constitutional limits on federal power?
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Wow, discounting someone who lied about a clear truth of 30 murdered children is extremist now.
This doesn’t match the poster’s posts. The poster has clearly, twice, criticized Jones’s handling of the Sandy Hook shooting.
Your posts that were removed had nothing to do with Alex Jones and everything to do with you insinuating that the well-documented burning of a church belonging to our Christian brethren was somehow a fake story.

Your comments were disrespectful and insensitive to the Baptist community that suffered the loss of their church.

I have zero respect for or interest in Alex Jones but I live near Philadelphia part of the time, and when a church gets burned there I think my fellow Catholics should respond with compassion and respect for them, just like I’d hope the Baptists would respond if it were a Catholic church that burned.

If you want to have a debate about Alex Jones, have it on another thread. Let this thread be about the Vietnamese Christians who sadly lost their church.
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I’ve said twice before, to the extent that Trump has done this, I have major issues with it, just like I have major issues with Obama, Biden and Pelosi (and many others of both parties) So, again:

Do you agree with me that the cause of the corruption we are talking about is too much power held in Washington, and that the cure is a return to constitutional limits on federal power?
This doesn’t match the poster’s posts. The poster has clearly, twice, criticized Jones’s handling of the Sandy Hook shooting.
This was what I was responding to (claim that my position of rejecting Alex Jones because he lied about the murder of 30 children is ‘extremist’).
I wouldn’t say everything he says should be automatically discredited. Skeptical, sure, but not automatically discredited. These all or nothing stances are dangerous. I will pray you become less extremist in ideology!
I know quite well what you were responding to. Again, your accusation does not match the poster’s clear statements.
I wish it were that simple. Unfortunately, given that it will likely take a very long time to count up and certify all the votes that were cast by mail, this election season isn’t going to end as fast as it usually does. Pray that we don’t have a repeat of “Bush v. Gore”. I am pretty sure CJ Roberts and company will do everything in their power to punt any voting case that comes their way.

Meanwhile, I’ll pray for these Vietnamese Baptists and drop some dollars in their Gofundme, so this thread will have some positive effect relating to its original intended subject before it went way off the tracks. I will also gently suggest to their pastor that he look into getting cloud storage backup for his irreplaceable hard drives.
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Great. And we both know he has done it, so we’re done here.
So, I can assume you are happy with the corruption in Washington, unless it is Trump. You seem happy to allow the cause of corruption, concentration of power, to continue.
Democrat politicians can be corrupt as long as they serve the goals of the authoritarian left.
I guess we are done here.
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Alex Jones has made some extraordinary claims, at least CNN makes things sound believable when they subtly distort.
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