Sorry for the long post, I’ve been trying to collect my thoughts.
I think we can recognize that at the heart of both of the topics of this thread: the VT massacre *and *abortion, is the horrible reality of the culture of death in which we live.
It is important for us pro-life Catholics to always remember that abortion is not the only issue we are battling. It is a horrible reality, and I believe it is the genocide which our generation will be indicted for when history judges us.
But abortion is only indicative of an even deeper sickness–even worse *evil *affecting our society. We’ve taken God out of the picture and in the process have destroyed human dignity. We see nothing valuable in life (you can hear this in the killer’s words), nothing in ourselves and therefore cannot possibly see anything of intrinsic value in others. We don’t truly care about anything.
So despair and indifference are the hallmarks of our culture of death, and where better are they manifested than in this incident?
We can see this in his own explanation for carrying out his attacks, but I think also in the circumstances leading up to them. Did anyone actually take the time to befriend this troubled man? Yes, he was ‘recommended for counseling,’ and professors noticed that he was ‘troubled’–but did anyone trouble *themselves *more than the bureaucratic mechanisms of the university required? No one can survive and flourish without human friendship.
I am in NO WAY seeking to lay blame on the VT community–this is still, and always will be, a senseless attack. I know that it was a personal choice he made to carry out this attack, and that whatever explanation he offered is not sufficient to explain it away.
But we must ask ourselves: How did he slip through the cracks? How were true human relationships so lacking in his life that he felt alienated and compelled to carry out these attacks? Many of his tirades against his victims and the broad ‘you’ he rails against in his disturbing videos are the obvious product of a disturbed person–but when he talks about the hedonism, wealth, and self-absorption of our society, can we really say that he was wrong?
Modern American (or really…just Western) society has destroyed true communities where people care for the good of one another, where they love their neighbor. We are only shaken into a realization of this when a violent attack such as this, one which is so truly EVIL, that we pay attention. But isn’t our pro-death culture–in every sense of the word–one which allows, and in one sense encourages, his kind of thoughts and behaviors to flourish, unhindered?