There have been people mostly protestant make claims that they visit hell. These things concern me and it makes me fear God (not in a way that makes me get closer to him) and the way I live my life. I feel a bit paranoid about whatever happens next to me and my love ones and scared of going to hell because I failed to follow God. Every time I read these hell stories it makes me want to hope that their experience was not true. I do believe that hell is real and that the people who told these stories should focus on their relationship with God. But their stories make me feel hopeless. What does not help me is the people they told are in hell, I read two stories where they both say that Michael Jackson and Pope John Paul II. When it comes to Michael Jackson it could be possible that he is in hell, but for Pope John Paul II I was having mix feelings about. Stories such as Angelica Zambrano and this Filipino Girl (No name given who’s story will be given as a link, there was a youtube video but it was deleted). A lot of protestants say that their experience is true because it is biblical and that what makes me worry. I have left the Catholic Church and became a Protestant because of these kinds of stories. This is a crazy feeling I have experienced when I left the Catholic church. I want to come back, but I feel scared. I don’t feel I have control over myself and feel like I don’t have a good relationship with God. Have any of you guys ever met someone like me who felt this way?