Yes, but at the same time, He does not need to will that everyone will receive it… just that some will.If God wishes to send a message it can have only one purpose: that the message be received.
Yes, but what if God does not wish to communicate universally on effective principle, but rather communicate to those who meet the criteria (faith, interest etc).If the communication does not mean the same thing to all who hear it then it is not effective.
Yes, I agree… but He would guide them in different fashions. Some people understand things when explained graphically, some when it is explained by terms etc etc… God does guide everyone towards Him, towards same point but not through same road.Your parent asked about a maths question, were he God, would guide all children asking him towards the same answer, not different answers, as is the case with private revelations.
I believe not all of those are not doctrines (or at least not all doctrines that Protestants hold).As a Protestant did you really have to experience choosing between thousands of ways to get water baptized? Did you experience thousands of choices on abortion? On communion? On songs to sing?
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