Voting Democrat a mortal sin?

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I can’t see voting for a party being sinful unless you are deliberately voting that way to support an evil like abortion.
unless you know that the person you are voting for supports, pushes or fights for an evil cause or puts evil laws into effect… Then you are cooperating in their sin by putting them in a place where they can do that evil and if their sin is a grave sin you will put your soul in danger.
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Unfortunately, Republicans do not stand up for average Americans when it comes to other issues like a higher minimum wage, affordable health care, less taxes for the working and middle class, higher wages for teachers, better health care for our military veterans, etc.
And the big tax cut they gave to the millionaire and billionaire class really ticked me off.
I cannot base my vote on the abortion issue alone.
As much a I abhor abortion, I cannot be a single-issue voter.

For those of you who can, that is your right.
I dont really think along partisan lines but saying that republicans are not in favor of better health care is not necessarily true. They are, they just don’t think government is the best way to offer that better care. Democrats think big government is the best way to solve problems, republicans generally believe the opposite. But not always- GWB was as liberal as a republican gets imo.
Unfortunately, Republicans do not stand up for average Americans when it comes to other issues like a higher minimum wage, affordable health care, less taxes for the working and middle class, higher wages for teachers, better health care for our military veterans, etc.
And the big tax cut they gave to the millionaire and billionaire class really ticked me off.
I cannot base my vote on the abortion issue alone.
As much a I abhor abortion, I cannot be a single-issue voter.

For those of you who can, that is your right.
Didn’t you post here a few months ago under a different name? “LateCatholic” or something?. Sorry can’t remember for sure what it was but if not you sound a lot like that poster. Just wondering that’s all.
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We all fall under the age old teaching of the Primacy of Conscience. My late mother, may she rest in peace, always voted with whomever was a Pro-life candidate. The ONE year she didn’t I was shocked and asked her why. Her reply was simple and I remember it to this day. She simply said not too many people were concerned with the “right to life” of those women and children being bombed day to day. She never mentioned it again.

When you truly vote an informed conscience that you understand to be best, no, you are not in a mortal sin.

A Priest could verify that for you as well.
What democrats? We no longer have Democrats, we have far leftist socialist and closet communist running the house of representatives. How did they get voted in? By media blackouts to who they really are.
I was a Democrat for many years. Born and raised. Irish and Italian Catholic. Couldn’t be more “born Democrat”. But the party changed so it no longer does anything for the poor or the middle class. Abortion is the only thing it stands for now.

It’s ironic. The Repub party has also changed. It’s more like the Dem party of old than it is like the Repub party of decades ago. And the Dem party resembles nothing so much as the “Rockefeller Republicans” of years ago; elitist, controlling, sexually libertarian, promoted birth control, particularly of the “lesser” types of people, allied to great wealth.

I never became a Republican, but I never vote for Democrats because they’re always pro-abortion on my ballot. I do the research.
When you truly vote an informed conscience that you understand to be best, no, you are not in a mortal sin.

A Priest could verify that for you as well.
Some priests probably would. Some definitely wouldn’t. As Catholics we are not free to follow conscience in opposition to Church teachings. If we find ourselves in that position, our conscience is wrong, not the Church.

Pope Benedict said that war is not a “proportionate issue” to abortion. It is a matter of prudential judgment. Abortion is not. It’s intrinsically evil; that is to say every time and no matter what.
As Catholics we are not free to follow conscience in opposition to Church teachings. If we find ourselves in that position, our conscience is wrong, not the Church.
You hit on a very important Truth regarding the Churchs teaching on the Primacy of Conscience. That point being highlighted above.

In other words the Primacy of Conscience teaches us that indeed our conscience can be wrong, but one can never be forced to violate it!~

Example: The conscientious objector to war…Another might be the cake decorator not willing to make a cake for a bi-sexual wedding…Another might be my mother in seeing a lack of the right to life while bombing innocent children in another country in a never ending torrent of including hospitals, mothers, and innocents and by doing so, vote democratic.

Yes, brother I see your point. However we need to be alive to our conscience’s, and if we believe it violates our principles, we cannot (according to Holy Mother Church) be forced or attempt to force another to violate it…EVEN if it is not in accord with Church teaching.

That is our teaching on the Primacy of Conscience. Peace to you.
PS: Holy Mother Church views that a conscience that is well informed will generally side with Church teaching on the whole.

However the other side of the coin which is accepted by the Church on this doctrine is best stated by Thomas Aquinas… St. Thomas Aquinas states that even an erring conscience binds. Under no circumstance is one to violate one’s own conscience, not if the Pope demands it, not if anyone demands it.
Our consciences need to be formed properly. We should pray for God to help our consciences to understand and align with Church teaching.

We must never violate our conscience but our conscience properly formed should match Church teaching, Church teaching is where we find truth and we want our consciences to follow truth.
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I would agree with that whole heartedly. And, I also agree a conscience that truly believes it has reached its decision with a clear mind and solid conviction can never be forced to violate it. Not ever.
Voting is simply a way of saying, “I know how you should live your life better than you do and I’m going to use the force of the State to get my way with you.” Voting for either of the major parties simply says that you can force evil upon me without remorse or conscience.
Just saying that when saying “not ever” we must be sure that our conscience is acting out of intellect or knowledge and not emotions. The word conscience means “with knowledge”. It is a judgement of reason, so we must be sure that we are deciding or moving “with knowledge” or that we have sought out the knowledge and truth of and in any particular situation and we are not moving on our emotions or sympathies. Our emotions can fool us. The Bible says in Jeremiah that the heart is deceitful above all things.

Plus according to the catechism an erring conscience can still be guilty.

1801 Conscience can remain in ignorance or make erroneous judgments. Such ignorance and errors are not always free of guilt.

1802 The Word of God is a light for our path. We must assimilate it in faith and prayer and put it into practice. This is how moral conscience is formed.
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He simply describes it well
Do you know where Thomas Aquinas said that whole quote because the link goes to the part of the Summa found at New Advent but that whole quote is not in the Summa.

Thomas Aquinas was also very strong on being sure your conscience is formed according to the truths of the Church and strong against those who choose to not follow the Church.

And then I would be in agreement, that as long as you have worked to form your conscience with knowledge of a situation, you know and are following the truths the Church teaches, and you are not moving on your emotions. Then yes, you must follow your well formed conscience.
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And then I would be in agreement, that as long as you have worked to form your conscience with knowledge of a situation, you know and are following the truths the Church teaches, and you are not moving on your emotions. Then yes, you must follow your well formed conscience.
MagdelinaRita if you read the Catechism you will find that what you are saying is not the full truth of the teaching, insomuch as exactly what this means.

Friend, what this means isn’t even dependent on being Catholic or knowing anything about the Catholic faith…although someone who’s conscience is well formed by the faith and goes against their own conscience knowing better, actually sins against the prompting of the Holy Spirit!~

This applies to all persons, even if they are wrong by way of Catholic teaching!~!~!~

IF someone follows their conscience and believes they are doing so because it is a must for them, then they cannot (((cannot))) be held in contempt…So says the Church.

If my neighbor feels that drinking coffee or eating pork will send them to hell…(you and I know it is not a mortal sin, we have the beauty of the Church)…but if they truly believe, then they must not (even under coercion) be forced to do so.

That is all it means as it relates to personal decisions, I am not talking (nor is the Church) about moral commandments.

I will be completed with this thread as of now, it makes me sad to realize how many persons are unaware of the Faith…Persons must be responsible to do their homework.
In the olden days, women secretly obtained abortions, (e.g. Mom would take the teenage daughter out “shopping” for the day), or were shipped away for nine months, forcibly and permanently separated from their babies, and coming home baby-free. My grandmother told me that there was a saying in the 1920s: The first baby can come any time after the wedding. All subsequent babies take nine months.

STDs like syphilis were rampant and, believe me, don’t spread by monogamous marriage.

Men often had children by their mistresses, or they died young from warfare, disease, or occupational accidents, (mining, railroad, etc.), leaving widowed, single mothers in their paths.

“Traditional families” routinely and legally involved alcoholism, marital rape, and wife-beating.

There were no Good Old Days. That myth makes me shudder, and it’s high time our culture shook it.
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