I’m not a native English speaker. In my language, Muhammad’s name is spelled as Mohammed. Thomas Jefferson even spelled it as Mahomet.Your knowledge of Islam didn’t even extend to what took me ten seconds to google, and you can’t even spell Muhammad.
In my experience, muslims try to imitate Mohammed as best as possible, because he was seen as the best muslim. How is this not a personality cult? This was entirely on-topic. If it sounds offensive, that’s just too bad. I don’t mean to be offensive by the way, but I can’t help it if someone feels offended. A lot of things in the Qu’ran related to unbelievers is disrespectful and offensive to my worldview. Respect must go both ways.The view you express here, that Islam is a personality cult, is disrespectful to the religion,
I did not call all muslims terrorists and it’s dishonest to accuse me of such a thing. Pointing out that these terrorists were muslims does not mean that all muslims are terrorists. Or do you think that if I say that pigeons are birds, that all birds are therefore pigeons?and the view you expressed in post #167, “On 9/11, America wasn’t attacked by the faithless, but by pious muslims” is in essence calling all Muslims terrorists, which the stickies give as an example where “suspension may be immediate and without prior counseling”.
I invite you to retract your false accusation. You twist my words and then try to get me banned because of it. “False statements maliciously made to defame another’s reputation” is a banned topic.I invite you to retract any unintended disrespect towards Islam.