Yes, secular humanism is a human invention…
LOL. Good. Props for your consistency.
Hopefully we agree that humans imagine lots of things - none of which preclude those ideas from coincidentally turning out to be true. AND that one true idea
can exist despite the fact that it is buried in amongst a huge pile of false ideas. (Or ideas which are partially false)
Heaven forbid that someone fall for the three-card-trick of believing that all religion is all totally false just because there are so many different religions - some of which are (to some degree) false.
…You do know that all the blind men turned out to be completely wrong?
No. How so?
If they are all ‘partly’ correct how could they be completely wrong?
… Perhaps the elephant is some kind of natural explanation.
I think the elephant IS natural. What could be more natural than the Truth.
…If salvation depended on wearing your hat correctly, then it’s absolutely vital that God sends us some clear instructions.
I think He does.
There’s nothing unclear about Jesus’ instructions as far as I can tell.
…oh wait! Maybe you want God to send ‘us’ clear instructions individually - person to person.
…And what God supposedly knows or doesn’t know about believers is completely unknown to me.
Perhaps you mean that you don’t
believe anything you have heard or read about God
Fair enough. But do you apply your skepticism to ALL second hand reports? Do you dismiss second hand evidence that the polar ice caps are melting until you see it first hand? Do you doubt global warming because not everyone agrees? Or do you accept multiple attestation, peer review, the weight of numbers, ad populam anecdotes…
… Please correct me if I’m wrong, but with that last two sentences you seem to suggest that the form of worship doesn’t really matter and any act of worship might lead to salvation, as long as the person doing it is a sincere believer. There goes extra ecclesiam nulla salus straight out the window.
The Lord has redeemed all of us, all of us, with the Blood of Christ: all of us, not just Catholics. Everyone! …Even the atheists. Everyone! And this Blood makes us children of God of the first class! We are created children in the likeness of God and the Blood of Christ has redeemed us all!