I’m not looking for why. I’m looking for how. If you class something as being supernatural, then there is no point in looking any further.
Christianity is not merely about the why or the how, it’s about the who. It’s about being and identity, not just doing, thinking, proving, etc…
The most basic of things is to be. Before a person can do, a person must be. Christianity and religion in general address questions of being, meaning, identity, purpose.
These are questions that weigh on the heart of every person regardless of belief system, whether theist or atheist. There is no such thing as a person who does not believe, who has not sought answers to the questions of being, meaning and purpose, and given their heart to what they perceive as truth (the response of faith). You seem to do it quite eloquently proposing your atheist beliefs.
The mere fact that human beings seek, means they are seeking something other. Other than what? Other than themselves. There is something out there worth pursuing, or rather, worth knowing. I happen to call that other “God”. But you and I have both sought that other, and have come to a belief about it.
Fundamentalists go wrong by reducing belief to mere adherence to the letter of the book. Many atheists seem to glom onto the same paradigm by pointing out (correctly!) the inconsistencies that are part of the written word, human life and relations, and using them in the same rigid manner as fundamentalists, but for opposing conclusions.
In regards to your issue with natural/supernatural, seen/unseen verifiable/unverifiable, how do you handle love?