Picture a four-dimensional space (x, y, z, t). Picture “a single point” (let’s call it (x, y, z, 0). Is that single point within the framework of the 4-D space? Why yes… yes it is. QED.The universe is somewhere, even at the Big Bang. That does not mean physical extension, because when at the moment of the Big Bang, the universe is at a single point. It is not at one of many points, but at the only point which exists.
It was energy. We can’t get to what it was prior to that, if anything. The universe expands at the point of the Big Bang (and has continued to expand). That doesn’t mean that it didn’t exist at the time of the energy->matter transformation. At that point, we have physical extension (if only at a point).It is there because it was created out of nothing. The Bang creates the structures of the physical universe.