Wih math, the Big Bang is the moment of infinite density, and spacetime has volume zero. There are no intervals of space or time that describe anything real.
Infinite density of
what? If nothing, then there’s no framework required to support it. If, however, an infinite density of
something, then there’s a framework there, supporting it. You can’t have it both ways, no matter how much you wish it to be so.
With physics, this is defined by the Planck Epoch. Since 10^-43 sec defines the smallest possible unit of time, Quantum effects apply, and ε a member of a null set.
“smallest possible unit of time” isn’t a complete statement, however. “Smallest possible unit of time detectable”? Ok. I’m cool with that. “Smallest possible unit of time discretely measureable”? Ok. That’s cool, too.
But, from a philosophical perspective (and, by the way… which sub-forum are we in, again, exactly?
), 10^(-43) is a time greater than zero. And therefore, it’s a time
within the temporal framework. And therefore, we’re already
inside what you wish to claim we’re not.
I mean… keep trying, But… you’re nowhere near a reasonable rebuttal of the concepts I’ve been asking you to address.
you were quibbling about it being not a point but an interval.
Nice try. Did I call it an ‘interval’? No. So, don’t try to characterize it as such.
If you want to waffle and call it a “sort of an interval”, then that’s your business. Don’t attempt to slip that by me and get me to allow you to get away with that kind of slight of hand, though.