It is not. You apparently partially understand it.It’s a poorly worded proposition.
Yes.It could have been worded: If God has existed eternally and creation had a beginning, can we conceive of a context in which only God existed?
No. I want to say that in each case, answer to question (yes or no), we are dealing with a problem. If yes then God is subjected to time and time is eternal. If not then there is no act of creation or the act of creation is impossible.@STT wants to say “yes – and therefore, ‘time’ pre-exists (and encompasses) God”.
No, I didn’t want to say that but good line of thought.He also wants to say “if you say ‘no’, then the ‘act of creation’ – which I claim requires ‘time’ as a prerequisite – could never have occurred. It did occur, so therefore, it must also pre-exist and encompass God.”
No. That leads to infinite regress since any act of creation including creation of time itself requires time.However, he’s not taking into account that ‘time’ could have been created, and could have pre-existed the ‘universe’, per se, without pre-existing God.
How so?Not for the ‘act’ of creation. Perhaps as a dimension within which the universe exists, but that doesn’t mean that ‘time’, itself, isn’t created.