I thought that I would go through a number of events in life that “kill” for lack of a better word, the spontanaiety of desires for sexual intercourse: first and foremost ought to simply be the opposite sex in the matter, simply saying, “no”.
Think about the situations in life a person experiences as well, albeit people vary tremendously in the risk willing to be taken, for having sexual intercourse: you’re in a classroom, with all students, and instructors present at the moment, and you desire to have sex with your “mate”. The mate isn’t there, but actually on schedule to return from New York City, from a business a trip two wks. from now, a vacation is in order that the two of you will take, and this is looking like a ripe opportunity for sexually passionate romance of course, as it would turn out–the room service is more of a turn-on to your mate, which you learn about at another time: the spontanaeity of sexual desires became more attractive than the scheduled time for ardent desires, and the relationship ended, on both counts: scheduled and spontaneously, in two big words, one from each person “no”. Hypocritically, you try ending unplanned pregnancies, while seeking continuously spontaneous sexual intercourse; all the while denying you and another the intimacy of conversation in the morning waking up to chart a woman’s body for fertility signs, which would undoubtedly prevent the death of your wife; had you a wife; whom medically, professionals have determined would certainly die with the birth, or the pregnancy of another child; so, you seek the spontanaity of sexual intercourse like some fourteen year old running on her fourth or fifth abortion, thinking this is the one who will love you, because you never gave much thought to whom it is you will love. Spontanaity is sexy, and the divorce rate has declined with it, and the element of surprise and therefore, spontanaity of rape, well–there is something everyone has thoroughly enjoyed!