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That Ethic is one of the founding principles of my college Pro Life club
Allow me to play devils advocate here.access to medical care,
The obvious problem is that it has no real-life application.It would be morally inconsistent to say you value the lives lost to genocide but that infanticide is acceptable if it prevents genocide
Pro life= defending life from conception to natural death.Otherwise, what we have is a “pro-birth” movement rather than a “pro-life” movement.
Usually this means that people support an innocent person’s right to live. Hence why some support the death penalty in some cases or the morality of killing someone in self defense.THEN he says, “if someone commits rape or incest they should be castrated or killed ” . What happened to his sanctity of all human life and not answering evil with murder???
I think some wonderful pro-life measures are gaining traction. There’s been a greater effort to meet people where they are. Growing up, I remember the pro-life movement being churchy, clique-ish, and insular. There was a lot of in-fighting and finger-pointing between Catholics and different streaks of Protestants and their yer-doin’-it-wrong approach to theology. Now, pro-lifers are increasingly welcoming a broader audience by making a case that is secular, scientific, and taking struggling women into account.. Do you think that we can do more for outreach and more for women who choose to not keep the children they bring into the world?
Would you point me to the statistics/data about this? I am constantly researching and this is a new report to me! Specifically “married WITH MANY RESOURCES”. I’ve a ton of free time over the next few days to read these reports.But many women who abort are married with many resources.
It would be better for any govt monies to come from the Cities, Counties & States.In principle I can agree that if you’re going to have charity it should be done at the local level for the sake of accountability and so that it doesn’t get tainted by forces outside a particular community. However, in practice I’m not sure there exists enough money within each and every community to meet the need of women who don’t desire to keep the children they bring into the world.