We Can do More (pro life)

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I was pregnant with my seventh child when my huaband with a college degree lost his job. We lived totally on savings for six weeks. He then got a job as a janitor and a second job in retail. We supplemented with savings for a long time. It was impossible to live on what he made.
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One way would be to eliminate child-support laws that require an unwed father to support his child for 18 years. Because of these laws some unwed fathers choose to facilitate an abortion for their pregnant girlfriend rather than be forced to make monthly child-support payments for 18 years. Of course our taxes would have to be raised to make up for the missing payments
Could you elaborate? A dead beat dad who won’t financially support his child would probably encourage a woman to abort her baby because she would be in a worse position.

He may not force an abortion, he would not be in the picture at all. But that doesn’t mean the abortion rates would drop. The woman would just choose the abortion instead of being forced to.
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