The Kingdom of God for the Salvation of souls and protection of justice like the psyches of the parents so damaged, and the helpless children painfully brutally murdered by the thousands every single day needs to be promoted in every venue.
Thank God that was done to abolish slavery.
I see a lot of one-sided approaches here; probably from younger people who have grown up in a time when this heinous heartbreaking evil has been ‘legal’ for so long;
which only fosters and encourages acceptance.
Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, Popes, Dietrich and Alice von Hildebrand all taught and prophesied that more and more evil will be accepted or complacency toward;
in The Church & world - that it was happening so gradually, that many in The Church and world would not know what has transpired.
The Mystical Passion of Christ, is, by sheer numbers of unearned sufferers, and complacency of many - has reached the highest crescendo in history.
But few notice.
May the Church be purged of the many faceted hidden proven by some of those I noted infiltration of hidden agendas. “A Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing,” airing on EWTN, a historical documentary shows the tip of the iceberg.
Those who walk the walk, devout learned teachers in The Church who have been sharing these things; are often ignored, or even referred to as some kind of radicals by many who love the status quo, even with occasional speaking up for justice for all at times. One day they will be vindicated.
Also, highly recommended, and can be read for free after being queued on a waiting list, here:
Trojan horse in the city of God : the Catholic crisis explained : Von Hildebrand, Dietrich, 1889- : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive . It is the 1993 printing of “
A Trojan Horse in The City of God: The Catholic Crisis Explained” by Dietrich von Hildebrand. It may be a bit deep for some tastes, but it is very enlightening. Peace.