I don’t think that additional government regulation will be a fix. I think the thing that needs to change is the hearts and minds of citizens regarding, sex, marriage, and children. This starts in the home and in the Church. We need to continue to teach people that Marriage is a good thing, a god ordained institution meant for our blessing. It is where husband and wife work together to accomplish God’s will in society, where we raise children, where we cultivate values and character, where men and women work with one another instead of against one another to accomplish God’s will here on earth. We need to view sex as just as sacred an institution. That sex outside of marriage is an abuse of God’s gift, and that we need to stop treating it as a worthless commodity, and safeguard it. When we abuse God’s gift of sex outside of the God ordained institution of marriage there are natural consequences: unintended pregnancy, poverty, disease, degeneration of the soul, we lose respect for the opposite gender, etc. We need to view children as a blessing, we need to view parenthood as a God ordained obligation and duty to not just birth children, but to raise them in the instruction of the Lord. As Churches and families, where there are unwanted pregnancies where the party having the child is considering abortion, we need to step up and provide assistance willingly, be willing to raise the children of our family members with them, etc. The last thing we want to do is rely on the state to do this. The state will not and is not equipped to teach the Christian view of sex, marriage, and children. If our answer is to ask the state to do this for us, we will be shocked at the results.