I think this more than shows that the Catholic teaching on birth control is ignored.
that doesn’t make it invalid,
no, if you think it is okay for someone to have an abortion, you are pro-abortion.
There is nothing wrong with saying that if I got in a terrible car accident and it was possible to save my life by getting me to the hospital by helicopter, but most likely I’d be severely disabled for life, that I’d rather them let me die in the accident rather than take me to the hospital to try to save what little left of me there is.
can you do that on a highway at the scene of the accident? how do you know until you are properly diagnosed? who makes the decision at the scene? no, this is wrong.
It is not pro abortion at all. Maybe pro choice, but it does not mean they support abortion, just that they don’t want to take other people’s freedom
nope, you are either okay with women having abortions or you aren’t. if you are okay with it, you support abortion. get off the fence, eternity may be in play. it isn’t healthcare and it isn’t freedom, it is the death of a baby, it is barbaric.
How many examples, must be shown?
none, it is not a valid option for the church, your examples mean nothing,
those illegal procedures could put those women’s lives in danger as well.
the legal activity results in death every time, there is no comparison. do you see the unborn as a life? 60 million have died, 600,000 a year are being put to death. do you see the magnitude of this barbaric act? the days of rare are long gone, it is the new contraceptive. death after birth will be next.
So is the goal to make everyone follow Catholic morality? Why is what you believe more true than what someone else believes?
because it is the Word of God,
encouragement of contraception (instead of it being evil)
this is a Catholic forum and you are attacking church teaching do you think this is persuasive to believers who follow church teaching?
That’s just an excuse to not help.
no, it isn’t, forcing people to adopt and ignoring the actions of those who create the issue is an excuse
You can’t expect people to follow Church teaching so pragmatically it has no chance to work.
do we support the church and its teaching or the secular world? do we accept abortion because the world believes it is okay and church teaching is ignored, even by some proclaiming membership in said-church? because it isn’t working do we stop trying? do we roll over and accept abortion?