A loaded question is designed to obtain a specific answer. I don’t have any preference for which answer is chosen.
“Have you quit beating your mother yet?
Answer yes or no.”
Of course both answers allow the questioner to claim you admit to beating your mother. Which shows that a question that permits two answers can still be loaded.
And you don’t have a preference because both the answers you want to permit serve your purpose. Both answers make the responder look bad.
You keep saying that. I’m not sure why. I have no interest in you picking either.
You have three choices. Say that you’d save the child. Say that you’d save the embryo. Or refuse to answer either (I’d try to save both!).
Taking the first option means you consider the child to have more value. Taking the second means that you consider the embryo to have more value. Taking the third means you would either prefer not to reveal which you consider to be more valuable or you consider them to be of equal value.
Let’s look at the third.
If you are anti-abortion then one of the points you might make against it might be that an embryo has equal value to a child. You wouldn’t make a distinction between the two so you cannot answer. And we wouldn’t consider killing a child so how can we conceive of killing an embryo. Fair enough.
Or you automatically feel that it would be the right thing to do to save the child but saying so leaves you open to the obvious argument that you consider them to have different value.
There aren’t any right or wrong answers. All the question does clarify your position. It tells us what you value and how it governs your stance on abortion. It doesn’t say that your arguments are right or wrong. It’s entirely neutral on that.
You can’t argue a position unless you understand the position that the other person is taking. If you don’t then you will end up talking past each other and never reach anything approaching agreement. I don’t think that you simply disagree with a woman’s view regarding abortion (if she decides to have one). I don’t think that you
understand the position of a woman who decides to have an abortion.
And nonsensical terms such as ‘pro abortion’ (do you actually know anyone who thinks having an abortion is a positive thing in itself?) and deliberately argumentative terms such as ‘murder’ will do nothing but push people into one of two camps and leave very little room left for sensible discussions.
I’m a case in point. I have already suggested that it would be a
great idea to reduce the number of abortions. That’s something we could agree on, isn’t it? We could look at ways of doing that, couldn’t we? But you’ve already pigeon-holed me into the opposition camp and there’s fat chance of getting any reasonable discussion going.
So feel free to let rip with the usual rhetoric if you like. Throw out all the usual buzzwords. Claim the high ground and rally the troops!
Or you could discuss it and see if a solution of some sort can be found.