But as long as they do, these methods are foolproof. No chance of failure in the “gamble”.I don’t care for any of that, but the obvious problems is that nobody sticks to just that.
But as long as they do, these methods are foolproof. No chance of failure in the “gamble”.I don’t care for any of that, but the obvious problems is that nobody sticks to just that.
But they won’t just like abstinence.But as long as they do, these methods are foolproof.
The context I was talking in was about birth control.No chance of failure in the “gamble”.
And these are the best, absolutely foolproof methods of birth control.The context I was talking in was about birth control.
This by a mile.“I am personally against abortion but cannot force my views on anyone else.”
The ultimate cop out.
So the two most popular proposals so far are:Freddy:![]()
This is laughable and shows exactly why we will not be able to have an honest conversation. Except in cases of rape (which are statistically very low), people choose to have sex. The natural ends of this is pregnancy, during normal cycles. Should one attempt to prevent this but still get pregnant anyway, whose fault is that? Or should one not prevent it and get pregnant, whose fault is that?Maybe better contraception? But anyway, a pregnancy which is unwanted is an accident. The woman didn’t want it to happen.
May I ask what you actually do at this moment?If you read exactly what I wrote, I said “Why should I pay for her choice to get pregnant or bribe her to keep it by a social safety net?”
So, no, it is not that I don’t want to support them, I just do not want it to be through a larger “social welfare” program.
If the mother doesn’t want the child then someone has to look after it. What’s your proposal for how that could happen?I’ve always been willing to pay taxes for social welfare programs.
The argument that anti-abortionists have to be willing to adopt unwanted children is a misdirection.
Tell ya what—if you agree to ban all abortions under any circumstances whatsoever and criminally prosecute everyone involved in any aspect of any Illegal abortion (Mother, father, Doctor, nurse, Uber driver, office receptionist, equipment vendor, pharma rep) I’ll consider it.
yes, pro-choice is pro-abortionBecause pro-choice isn’t pro-abortion.
a drink versus death, not even close and really nothing comparesDo you want to reinstate Prohibition?
responsible use of contraception for the mature,
are these catholic options?with abortion being available only in extreme cases?
Contraception is not hard to get.How about contraception?
there is no justifiable reason to kill a babyYou do not understand the position of pro-choice when you say that.
the baby isn’t the problem, abortion isn’t the solutionComplex problems require complex solutions
Let’s keep it simple then.it really is that simple.
you either accept the abortion of babies or you don’t, you are either for abortion or you are against it. there is no, it’s okay because the rich won’t adopt.If I could, I would eliminate all abortions.
wrong is wrong even if it is legal. it was wrong to kill 60 million babies and wrong to kill 600,000+ each yearAbortion isn’t going to made illegal in the US in the near future
follow church teachings on family lifewhat are your solutions to reduce the number of abortions by as much as possible.
So your solution is what? No sex outside marriage and no contraception within marriage. Seriously? Come on, you have carte blanche here to propose anything you like and your answer is ‘no sex outside marriage’. Is that it…?follow church teachings on family life
following church teachings will reduce abortion? that is what you asked.So your solution is what? No sex outside marriage and no contraception within marriage. Seriously? Come on, you have carte blanche here to propose anything you like and your answer is ‘no sex outside marriage’. Is that it…?
I gave you a solution that would work and you don’t like it, sorry but if you want a solution that allows abortion, you have the wrong person.You know, I honestly think that you have no idea about solutions
the life of a baby is worth what it would take.How do you get that message out? …
these are excuses for abortion, what killing should we legalize next? euthanasia, oh wait, we have started down that road.Those are just a handful of questions straight off the top of my head and there are dozens more
This wasn’t a hypothetical, upant. This wasn’t me asking about some imaginary world where everyone on the planet starts following church teachings on sex. This was a request for something practical from you.Freddy:![]()
following church teachings will reduce abortion? that is what you asked.So your solution is what? No sex outside marriage and no contraception within marriage. Seriously? Come on, you have carte blanche here to propose anything you like and your answer is ‘no sex outside marriage’. Is that it…?
we have abortion because we don’t follow church teaching.A risible answer such as you gave would do literally nothing to stop one single abortion.
if they followed church teaching they wouldn’t have abortions. so yes it would work.Do you know the largest group of women in the US that actually has abortions? It’s Catholics. So your advice wouldn’t even prevent Catholics from having abortions.
drop the rate, what level of death is acceptable? why stop with abortion?You know perfectly well there are solutions which could drop the rate.
no, I am notBut you’re not interested in having that discussion
I don’t want to be part of a conversation allowing any child to die. eternity is at stake and people are choosing where they will spend it.It seems you don’t want to be part of that conversation.
No I did not. I asked what you would do to reduce them. And the answer is…nothing.Freddy:![]()
we have abortion because we don’t follow church teaching.A risible answer such as you gave would do literally nothing to stop one single abortion.
you asked what would stop abortions…