There are two physics: The official physics that you see in books and experiments, and the physics of my dope smoking college professor (great prof though)o_mlly:![]()
There are two Catholic churches. One one run by the vicar of Christ comprising all the teachings of the holy Roman Catholic Church. And there are all of you.No, I do not realize that and, if true, that would be regrettable. You do realize that no women who follow Catholic teaching have never directly aborted their child?
The church run by the pontiff represents theological perfection. Which no doubt most, if not all Catholics are trying to acheive. But personally, I go with the second church. Which is all of you.
I don’t expect perfection. I don’t expect to be discussing morality with saints. I don’t believe that anyone can fulfill all the requireme ts of being a good Catholic. It is beyong anything that mere mortals could hope to acheive (which is why you have confession).
So if someone aske me what Catholics think of abortion and the largest group of women who have them are Catholics, then my response would be: ‘they appear to be in favour of it’. Likewise the situation with contraception and gay marriage and sex for the fun of it etc etc.
Yes, I know what Rome decries. I know what the catechism says. But I also know what most Catholics believe when push comes to shove.
So yeah, if a woman follows Catholic teachings then she will never have an abortion. She will never use contraception. She will only have sex if it is ‘open for procreation’. But let’s keep the discussion with at least one foot in reality.
Do you see the problem with your “logic”?
Brad, have you reached your potential yet?