Those few cells in my mother’s whom weren’t me.
Pardon me for chuckling at the absurdity of this statement.
Should we call them “Steve”?
You’re going to counter with “stage of development” and “only potential”…etc
The truth is that human life has an objective value is not (thankfully) subject to your opinion on the matter.
You will choose to put your opinion over the objective value of human life, without reflecting on the various holocausts that human beings perpetrate on other human beings who are not quite “:up to their potential”.
Maybe you weren’t aware that anything between 30% and 70% of fertilised eggs (that would be little humans as far as you are concerned) are passed out with the menstrual blood having failed to implant. The woman would not even know she was.pregnant. See a pdf link here:
What % of fertilized human eggs die? - attach uterus uteruswall | Ask MetaFilter
So now you have this information, what do you plan to do if you and your wife are trying for a child? Presumably you will need to have her checked each month to see if she was actually pregnant at the time of her period so you can have the chance to mourn.
Would you then have a small service perhaps? Take a few days off work to come to terms with your loss? Perhaps a small plaque in the garden?
And don’t give me any hogwash about there being a difference between actively having an abortion and the body rejecting the few cells. The result is the same as far as you are concerned. A life has been lost.
But let’s face it. You would never ask your wife for any such test. Because losing a few cells is literally meaningless. Otherwise please explain your indifference.