Is this what the movement is about?
Wow. I never realized I could say so much with so few words. It appears that the Ultra left is fanning the flames of the movement. This is where things like the laughable notion to dissolve police departments are coming from.So let me get this straight…the “ultra left” is somehow (magic?) able to mobilize protests in all 50 states and most major countries. And not just for a day, for what, 10 days now? That’s very impressive. If they have that sort of power, why are they bothering with all this protest nonsense? Why not just give orders to all the gov. around the world?
For all it’s good possibilities, this movement is a political one, as it subjects human life to political considerations rather than appreciate all human life for what it is: human life.esieffe:![]()
So let me get this straight…the “ultra left” is somehow (magic?) able to mobilize protests in all 50 states and most major countries. And not just for a day, for what, 10 days now? That’s very impressive. If they have that sort of power, why are they bothering with all this protest nonsense? Why not just give orders to all the gov. around the world?they are being used as a proxy by the ultra left.
This is a variant of something you hear constantly: On the one hand, the far right (I might as well join in the name calling) is constantly telling us that the gov. is inefficient, incompetent, corrupt, etc. etc. Then in the next breath they claim that certain elements of the gov. (“deep state,” whatever) are all-powerful. Which is it? [I’ll give you a hint–it’s neither.]
There seems to be an assumption here that all these protests–50 states, most developed countries world wide are somehow “organized” by some mythical left-wing magicians. That’s nonsense. Individual people are outraged, and they are coming out to show their individual feelings. I’m sure some groups like “Black Lives Matter” are involved too, but to suggest that they are somehow the ringleaders is just fantasy. I’m going to do what the right wing loves to do: Prove it.For all it’s good possibilities, this movement is a political one, as it subjects human life to political considerations rather than appreciate all human life for what it is: human life.
It is entirely selective in who it is willing to affirm, and has the absurd position that violence brings about human rights.
That’s not very smart or honest. and it’s also hypocrisy.
I don’t understand—many posters here seem to believe in a mythical power (Black Lives Matter, ultra leftists, Marxists, etc. etc.) are behind all these protests, not just in the US but around the world. I’m just pointing out you can’t argue both ways simultaneously–that on the one hand they’re incompetent, etc. and on the other hand they have universal powers. How is that “over the top”? Isn’t the assumption that all of these protests are somehow organized by a central mysterious power “over the top”?Wow. I never realized I could say so much with so few words. It appears that the Ultra left is fanning the flames of the movement. This is where things like the laughable notion to dissolve police departments are coming from.
Your response is way over the top.
Yes, you are seeing different numbers. I explained all that in an earlier post. Because the federal gov. doesn’t keep track, it’s left to private groups to keep track, and they naturally have different rules. The Wash. Post only counts deaths caused by police who are on duty and use guns. It doesn’t count if an off-duty policeman shoots someone, or if, as in the case of Floyd, the police kill someone on duty without shooting them. Thus fewer deaths counted than other data bases using different rules. It’s not a conspiracy, the rules are clearly stated. Read them.The website’s main page says 1098 people were killed by the police in the US in 2019, but I’m seeing a different number for 2019 from other sources. I’m seeing the number 1004 in a lot of places,
I never said it was a conspiracy. I thought it odd that the Mapping Police Violence website stated 1098 deaths for 2019, but also seems to work with or at least collaborate in some way with the Killed By Police website (perhaps it’s a sister site?), which has 1004 deaths.It’s not a conspiracy, the rules are clearly stated. Read them.
I didn’t see it.I explained all that in an earlier post.
I’m aware of all that. That’s why I pointed out later that it’s difficult to get a clear and definite answer on ‘whether the police force is racist’. We can only get so much information from these stats, but that’s the stats we have to work with. We don’t know how much time the police devoted to getting different suspects or ‘how much of an effort’ they made. The FBI, from what I could find, only provided stats for different crimes and arrests by race.To carry it to its logical conclusion you would have to show that the police are arresting blacks and whites equally based on the crime–in other words, are they devoting more time and effort to tracking down a black robber than a white robber? I don’t know. You are assuming that because, for example, if 50% of robbery arrests are blacks that they actually committed 50% of the robberies. That may or may not be true. Maybe they only committed 25% of the robberies, but the police made a bigger effort to catch them. And of course another issue is “arrests.” Arrests are not convictions.
I focused on trying to figure out if there was any truth to the narrative I’m often hearing about police gunning down more blacks than whites because they are racist. The bankers example you give doesn’t have much to do with shootings (neither Dwight or Mr Anderson got shot in your example) and I don’t think that’s really a racial thing, but more an ‘elites can get away with anything’ issue. I doubt it would have made any difference if Dwight was black or white in your scenario, he still wouldn’t have got away with it like Mr Anderson did.Dwight goes to jail for three years for knocking over a liquor store for $300. Mr. Anderson embezzles millions and gets off scot free. Fair? Not to me. I believe that during the financial crisis of 2008 only one (1) banker went to jail. Trillions were lost, mainly due to the greed of the banks.
Guns are banned in Japan and the UK. That might have something to do with it. The people the police deal with almost never have one on them. There’s no ‘gun culture’ in those countries. As for Canada, I believe it is still legal to own a gun there but I think the laws are much stricter? I’m not too familiar with their laws to be honest. They also have quite a tiny population in relation to the size of their land.There is a big wide world out there. Why does Japan have no police deaths at all? Why does the UK have less than a handful (literally). Why does Canada have 3x (per capita) fewer police deaths?
Better yet, he could contact our bishops and clergy with the same missive. More Catholic bishops, laity join in ‘Black Lives Matter’ protests | America MagazineAnd here’s a link where you can tell him he was wasting his time because there actually is no problem: https://www.romney.senate.gov/contact
Let us know what he thinks of you and your views if you could.
I think thst you have been able to sum your views up much better than I could hope to do. I can’t add anything to that. It’s there for all reasonable people to see.These leftists are full of self loathing and they want everyone else to be aswell. They want the west to hate itself, to purge itself of it’s western sins by tearing down everything that represents western civilization.
“ The refusal to take sides on great moral issues is itself a decision. It is a silent acquiescence to evil. The Tragedy of our time is that those who still believe in honesty lack fire and conviction, while those who believe in dishonesty are full of passionate conviction.” Bishop Fulton SheenPaddy1989:![]()
I think thst you have been able to sum your views up much better than I could hope to do. I can’t add anything to that. It’s there for all reasonable people to see.These leftists are full of self loathing and they want everyone else to be aswell. They want the west to hate itself, to purge itself of it’s western sins by tearing down everything that represents western civilization.
Signing off…
OK, I already rebutted this point.What? No. Black people kill more 2 times more white people in interracial homicide because of the level of crime in these communities which means that although only 12% of the population per capita the crime is SIGNIFICANTLY higher than other communities which is why homicide is the biggest cause of preventable deaths among young black people.
Not really. The black men in question were never formally charged with crimes. They were accused of them and manhandled in lethal ways.So to make the point what i’m saying even clearer yet again, Black people are getting killed by police 2.5 times the number of white people based on the fact they are significantly likely per capita to be involved in crime and are responsible for over 25% of crime even though they only make up 13% of the population. I hope this is all making sense now.
This is the ad hominem fallacy and has no place on CAF. I’ll be muting now.These leftists are full of self loathing and they want everyone else to be aswell.
If you don’t understand what a ad hominem is then don’t invoke it. Pointing out the leftist ideological self loating is no more an Ad Homineum than claiming Catholicism want everyone to be ultimately happy and know True love by following Christ and his teachings, it’s rationally valid, it’s part and parcel with how identity politics is used by the left. Understand the difference as you haven’t been able to with the stats so far.Paddy1989:![]()
OK, I already rebutted this point.What? No. Black people kill more 2 times more white people in interracial homicide because of the level of crime in these communities which means that although only 12% of the population per capita the crime is SIGNIFICANTLY higher than other communities which is why homicide is the biggest cause of preventable deaths among young black people.
Not really. The black men in question were never formally charged with crimes. They were accused of them and manhandled in lethal ways.So to make the point what i’m saying even clearer yet again, Black people are getting killed by police 2.5 times the number of white people based on the fact they are significantly likely per capita to be involved in crime and are responsible for over 25% of crime even though they only make up 13% of the population. I hope this is all making sense now.
This is the ad hominem fallacy and has no place on CAF. I’ll be muting now.These leftists are full of self loathing and they want everyone else to be aswell.
Aha! The light dawns. You nailed it! Ever hear the expression, “If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail”? The police all have guns. Gee, do you think they might ever misuse them? And of course another factor is the ex-military people who go into the police. As military they are trained to (pick a word you like: kill, neutralize, destroy, demolish…) the “enemy.” When they get into the police, they keep that mindset, except now the “enemy” is the general public–or at least that part of it they THINK are “criminals.” That’s a problem. How many police are ex-military? Again, no one knows, because no one wants to know. They should. There have been estimates though–one estimate puts it at about ⅓ of all police. USA Today estimates 20%. And I’m sure it varies by city, state, etc. But so what? Once again, no one is keeping track. See a USA Today story Veteran cops bring war home that says “considerable anecdotal evidence suggesting veterans are more likely to get physical, and some police executives agree.” In a study of the Dallas Police Dept. Dallas Cops With Military Experience More Likely to Shoot, Study Says | The Marshall ProjectGuns are banned in Japan and the UK. That might have something to do with it