What Black Lives Matter Believe

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If you cannot tell the difference between
  1. countries standing for their exceptionalism based on their laws and values
  2. Races tribally excluding any that don’t look like them (which is what BLM does)
…then I can’t help you. It was quite a desperate comparison attempt.
As for the racial justice protests of today, I see plenty of cause for legitimate protests. I also think it is a mistake to jump right to the question of “what specifically do you demand”. Although there have been plenty of demands suggested by protesters - some of the quite reasonable too - the real purpose of a protest is not to state demands. It is to point out a problem. The solutions to that problem are not the responsibility of the protesters. Let me say that again, because it is key: The solutions to that problem are not the responsibility of the protesters.
I disagree. To have an effective protest you need to have a clear point as to what it is you are protesting and bring forward the demands to the situations that you want changed. This is what I am looking for in these BLM Protests.

Let me give you an example on August 28 1963 Martin Luther King Jr lead the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom protest. This is the protest in which MLK jr gave his “I have a dream speech”

Here is a copy of the official program of that protest.

On page 3 it specifically lists what it is that those leaders of that protest demanded. It is aptly titled “What we demand”

I believe that it is reasonable for me to ask what are the demands of protests that are taking place I will ask and continue to ask what are the demands of these protests
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To be effective a protest has to have a purpose.

The word I know for “protest without purpose” is “riot.”
The “Official Program” does list some demands. But what is remembered from that day is not the list of demands, but the speech given by Martin Luther King Jr. And in that speech he talked entirely about the problems that need to be addressed. He did not list a bunch of legislative proposals. The march would have had the same impact in 1963 even if that “Official Program” had not been printed. And even the demands listed in that document in many cases read like a list of problems to be solved rather than a list of specific solutions. For example, “access to all public accommodations”. (It doesn’t say how that access should be guaranteed.) “decent housing” (It doesn’t say who gets to decide what is decent, or how it should be provided.) “adequate and integrated education”. (It doesn’t say how good is adequate or how integration should be accomplished. Busing? What?) “the right to vote” (They already had the nominal right to vote, so obviously they were pointing to a problem where this right was being denied unjustly, but the list of demands don’t say how that right should be guaranteed. In fact we are still arguing about that today.) Only #8, which mentions a specific minimum wage is a real proposed solution. So I stand by my support of the Black Lives Matter movement and find it very much a parallel to the 1963 march mentioned.

In the spirit of the 1963 march I think we can state a similar “list of demands” including things like:
  1. An end to discriminatory traffic stops based on the person’s color.
  2. An increase in community development to compliment or in some cases replace police work.
  3. An increase in training for deescalation procedures for police.
  4. Adequate and integrated education. (word-for-word from the 1963 list).
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The “Official Program” does list some demands. But what is remembered from that day is not the list of demands, but the speech given by Martin Luther King Jr. And in that speech he talked entirely about the problems that need to be addressed. He did not list a bunch of legislative proposals. The march would have had the same impact in 1963 even if that “Official Program” had not been printed
I have to disagree with you here. The demands of this protest gave the protest purpose and direction. After this protest the organizers met with President Kennedy to discuss what they want. Which brought about the landmark Cvil Rights Act of 1964.

These demands are significant because many of them are addressed in the Civil rights act of 1964.Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Wikipedia

Desegregation of schools, voting rights, nondiscrimination of public facilities, nondiscrimination of federal assistance programs. These are all demands of the protest and addressed legislatively in the Civil rights act of 1964
I have to disagree with you here. The demands of this protest gave the protest purpose and direction. After this protest the organizers met with President Kennedy to discuss what they want. Which brought about the landmark Cvil Rights Act of 1964.
…And it is very conceivable that after this racial justice protest, the protest organizers will meet with governor Waltz of Minnesota and and governor Brown of Oregon, etc. and maybe the mayors of the affected cities and bring about another landmark reform. It is too early to tell. But anyone in 1963 before the Kennedy meetings took place would certainly remember the March on Washington for the speeches and not for some list of demands. Besides, I gave you a few BLM demands in the style of the 1963 march. So I don’t know what else you are waiting for.
Besides, I gave you a few BLM demands in the style of the 1963 march. So I don’t know what else you are waiting for
Yes, YOU gave a list of demands.
However, You specifically told me that you are not a leader or participant of the BLM movement or protests.
Every protest needs a list of demands. It gives the protest purpose and direction for change. Are the list of demands that you personally created the demands of the members and leaders of the BLM protest? That is what I am looking for. I am looking at the leadership of these BLM protests, and asking what are your demands?
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Part of the issue here is the following:

–BLM itself has a million demands, including “disrupting” the “nuclear family,” “queer rights,” and all sorts of things wholly unrelated to black lives…

—…and those goals can never be met. How exactly does one “disrupt the family?” It’s one thing to have as a goal “pass X law.” But “disrupt the family?” That’s a goal that can never be met…

—…and anyway it’s counterproductive to even meet with anyone at all, unless the people in question have the power to effect change. Framed differently, who does BLM think they can “meet with” who can “agree to disrupt the nuclear family?” No one, that’s who.

—Every time you look, some splinter group is demanding new “rights.” The CHAZ/CHOP terrorists aka “protesters?” Supposedly they started as part of BLM, yet those folks wanted, among other demands, “every defendant in a Seattle jail re-tried” (I guess, “keep trying them until they get found not guilty!”) and “cancel all student loan debt.” Meet 1 demand? Here’s 2 more.

—MLK was a cleary defined leader of the civil rights movement. By contrast, BLM? It’s not even clear who one would negotiate with, or that anyone purporting to speak for BLM in fact can bind them at all.

—Most of all, it’s 1 thing (as MLK did) to have defined goals, like, “pass X law.” Here you’re dealing with folks who’s goals are so far reaching they can be distilled to, “end the USA” and/or “give us everything you own.”

Just as there’s no negotiating with terrorists, there’s no negotiating with these folks either.
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Negative. It is overwhelmingly a marxist organization and a marxist movement.
So? The idea that black lives should matter enough to not be shot is universal.
Is there anyone out protesting who is not a marxist?
probably but they are supporting marxism whether they think so or not.
I’m supporting the message that when a black man gets pulled over he should get the exact same treatment as every single white man. Period. I don’t care if the devil himself is a founding member, the message at the end of the day is if you aren’t going to draw a weapon on a rich white guy you shouldn’t on a poor black man.

You fix that problem then we good.
They are radical marxists who want our way of life destroyed. Folks need to wake up, read some history.
History starts today not just the part in the past that supports your argument. As of today, black men have been chased down and shot for no good reason and it needs to stop. The fact a “Marxist movement” is the only one with the backbone to do something about it (even IF the doing so is to undermind you and the church) When the church should be leading the charge to racial reform is telling.

clean up your own backyard as the saying goes and your neighbors ( as evil as they maybe) won’t have to comment on it.
You mean like “Massa, can we please be treated like human beings?” I’d like to see your suggested rewording and how much it waters down their message.
That wording would be appropriate as they talk to their Democrat masters. Who has used and abused black people more than any other? Why the Democrat Party that’s who. The top leadership remains white (Pelosi, Hoyer, Schumer) and the black voter get’s taken for granted at every election.
That’s right. Law after law has already been passed and there is no widespread discrimination in education, housing, the arts, or in any of the professions like there used to be. All the cities where BLM say they are having problems with the police in are run by Democrats and have been so for decades, and that goes for the gubernatorial offices too.
Powerful testimony by a black woman re: what should and should not be done if black lives matter…

I’m supporting the message that when a black man gets pulled over he should get the exact same treatment as every single white man. Period. I don’t care if the devil himself is a founding member, the message at the end of the day is if you aren’t going to draw a weapon on a rich white guy you shouldn’t on a poor black man.

You fix that problem then we good.
I suggest asking the police departments in these areas of which you speak for some ride along time with them. Most will accommodate you. Let folks know first hand what you experience.
I suggest asking the police departments in these areas of which you speak for some ride along time with them. Most will accommodate you. Let folks know first hand what you experience.
I’m not denying the experience, I’m denying they have the training to not panic or wasn’t screened for violent tendencies.
You mean like “Massa, can we please be treated like human beings?” I’d like to see your suggested rewording and how much it waters down their message.
How bout, " #All Are Equal"? After all, we all come into this life and leave this life in the same manner do we not? When I served in the US military, I did so to help ensure EVERYONE’S rights, and served with the majority in my field on one base being black men. We did our jobs and we had fun. That was that.

Frankly, I could care less what color someone’s skin is - I care about their character.
Frankly, I could care less what color someone’s skin is - I care about their character.
That is wonderful. Oh, that everyone would think like you in that regard! Unfortunately they do not. And that is why we need to remind them that Black Lives Matter.
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