Part of the issue here is the following:
–BLM itself has a million demands, including “disrupting” the “nuclear family,” “queer rights,” and all sorts of things wholly unrelated to black lives…
—…and those goals can never be met. How exactly does one “disrupt the family?” It’s one thing to have as a goal “pass X law.” But “disrupt the family?” That’s a goal that can never be met…
—…and anyway it’s counterproductive to even meet with anyone at all, unless the people in question have the power to effect change. Framed differently, who does BLM think they can “meet with” who can “agree to disrupt the nuclear family?” No one, that’s who.
—Every time you look, some splinter group is demanding new “rights.” The CHAZ/CHOP terrorists aka “protesters?” Supposedly they started as part of BLM, yet those folks wanted, among other demands, “every defendant in a Seattle jail re-tried” (I guess, “keep trying them until they get found not guilty!”) and “cancel all student loan debt.” Meet 1 demand? Here’s 2 more.
—MLK was a cleary defined leader of the civil rights movement. By contrast, BLM? It’s not even clear who one would negotiate with, or that anyone purporting to speak for BLM in fact can bind them at all.
—Most of all, it’s 1 thing (as MLK did) to have defined goals, like, “pass X law.” Here you’re dealing with folks who’s goals are so far reaching they can be distilled to, “end the USA” and/or “give us everything you own.”
Just as there’s no negotiating with terrorists, there’s no negotiating with these folks either.