What book(s) are you reading?

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IIRC, the works of de Chardin were censured by the Holy Office and AFAIK that prohibition is still in effect.
I have the Ciardi translation of Inferno and have read his translation of Purgatorio. I’d love to get the Ciardi translations of Purgatorio and Paradiso in order to have the complete set.
Yes, the 1962 monitum, or warning, is still in effect. Some in the Church think that Teilhard de Chardin was ahead of his time, and they are working to have the old warnings modified or lifted. Pope Francis even explicitly referenced Teilhard in his encyclical Laudato Si, and three other popes, Paul VI, John Paul II, and Benedict XVI have all expressed admiration and noted Teilhard’s positive influence as well.

Now I’m reading Beyond the Darkness by Shirley Du Boulay, a biography of Bede Griffiths.
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Personally, I hope the 1962 monitum stays in effect. TAN Books had a little booklet (hopefully still in print) called Christ Denied. It was on the origins of Modernism. It mentions de Chardin and others. I think I gave it away 😥 but you could find a copy through the internet. Short, easy to read and very enlightening.
I didn’t get to Onegin, no…a friend of mine has, and this same friend has spurred me to try Kakfa on my next one. My list of Russians including Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, and Solzhenitsyn. I’m currently reading The Black Wave, a history of Saudi-Iranian strife.

The list:

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Thanks for sharing. I really need to get around to reading Solzhenitsyn. Time to put call the bookstore on my to do list!

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Presently, I’m reading Twilight of the Gods by Ian Toll. It is about naval history in the Pacific during WWII. It is the 3rd of three books about the pacific front. This guy writes good books.

I’m Catholic and I don’t believe in reincarnation, but if I did I’d really wonder if I was a skipper in a past life somewhere during WWII. ⛵ 🥳
Rules for Retrogrades by Timothy and David Gordon. Very good blueprint for countering the Lunatic Left’s narrative in public discourse.
I’m reading the Bible again. I was able to read the Bible because it’s a fantastic book. Besides, I can’t but other books during the quarantine. It was such an inspirational book that I’ll look over and over again.
I’m reading the Bible again. I was able to read the Bible because it’s a fantastic book. Besides, I can’t but other books during the quarantine. It was such an inspirational book that I’ll look over and over again.
Anytime you read the bible make sure you have the Catechism close by to help you interpret what you are reading.
Goodbye, Good Men: How Liberals Brought Corruption into the Catholic Church

The Popes Against Modern Errors (re-read)
I just started reading “The Lighthouse” by Michael D. O’Brien, my favorite Catholic author.
Covid-19: The Greatest Hoax in History by Vernon Coleman

Ok, haven’t started yet, but should arrive in a few days.
I finished the book “The Lighthouse” by Michael D. O’Brien. It was awesome to me. How diverse his many novels are, and deeply spiritual. I suggest that no one try to speed read that book (or any great novel for that matter), because every page counts to set the stage for how it will end.
I’ll keep an eye out for it. Thus far, Island of the World has been my favorite.
Can anyone suggest a book on theology ? Or perhaps, a novel related to it? I consider myself married to books but so far, haven’t looked into these.
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