What do Jews think of the other Abrahamic religions?

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Everything there seems to be quite Orthodox šŸ‘
The only correction that Iā€™d make is that non-Jews are only required to follow the 7 Noahide laws, not both the 7 and the 10 Commandments.
I spent 2000 at my hospital lab as part of the Y2K team waiting for all the system crashes, doctors unable to view results and other mayhem which all turned into naught. We mostly drank coffee to stay awake and were allowed to go home at 4am without even a thank you!
I, too, was part of an IT team charged with verifying that everything in our offices had survived the Y2K transition the night before.

We were directed to check everythingā€¦ includingā€¦ electric typewriters.

Thatā€™s right. Electric typewriters. The old Smith-Corona type. No computer software within. No connection to any computer network. (Computer networks didnā€™t exist when these typewriters were manufactured.) No word processing capabilities. Just old-fashioned, 1970s-1980s vintage, electric typewriters.

There were some ā€œpowers that beā€ at that company, who just simply did not function right. Not the sharpest blades in the razor. Not hardly.
Oh, gosh, that made me laugh! I would have told them to show me the chip and Iā€™ll do it! What did you have to do? Type The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog and verify each letter? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
Oh, gosh, that made me laugh! I would have told them to show me the chip and Iā€™ll do it! What did you have to do? Type The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog and verify each letter? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
Something like that. Itā€™s been 20 years. These were just very, very old-fashioned people who didnā€™t understand technology. They apparently thought ā€œif itā€™s electric, and you use it to write things, then itā€™s like a computer, and it could have problemsā€.

I donā€™t remember what we did about the electric calculators and adding machines, but we may have checked them too. These people were old school. Were they ever!
We had electric typewriters on our checklist, but then we had every bit of kit on our checklist to make sure we werenā€™t missing anything. The electric typewriters just got five seconds of thought and then a sign-off. The idea was that it is dangerously easy to assume some item was OK without really thinking it through. The five seconds of thought was worth it.

Much of our kit was either ā€œno problemā€ or easily dealt with. Of the four systems we identified as mission-critical, one was Mac-based and OK; a second was DEC-based and could be patched; a third was DEC-based and couldnā€™t be patched and had to be replaced; and the fourth was IBM-based but so integrated with the third system that we had to replace that, too.

So three of our four mission-critical systems had a problem. Those who say the Y2K problem was a hoax either werenā€™t there or were very lucky.
consedering the talmud is very explicit on how it hates jesus , i already can say that chirstianity is viewed jesus for the jews who belive that he existed is considered a false preacher

some others considered that he was a good teacher and then paul made him a god and ruined everything

some jews take the extra mile and say dumb things like jesus is zeus just replace the z with a j .

or they buy in to the many jesus is copy of pagan diety or roman atwills cesar messiah (dont get me started on those)

and most jews dislike islam , since muhamed was not only antisemetic in his comentary the guy flat out comitted genocide agains the banu quraysa tribe which was jewish tribe
consedering the talmud is very explicit on how it hates jesus , i already can say that chirstianity is viewed jesus for the jews who belive that he existed is considered a false preache
This isnā€™t accurate. For starters, the Talmud is a book and canā€™t hate anyone. ā˜ŗļøšŸ¤£

Joking aside, statements like this indicate a lack of understanding of what the Talmud is (sorry). The Talmud is essentially rabbis discussing and debating points and questions of Jewish law, or halacha. Jesus barely gets a mention, and when he does, itā€™s probably just one rabbiā€™s opinion.
While trĆŗe the talmud is still a very important book for ortodox jews

And its more than one guy.
The master said: *Jesus the Nazarene practiced magic and deceived and led Israel to apostacy
ā€œJesus son of Stada is Jesus son of Pandira?ā€
Rav Hisda said, ā€œThe husband was Stada and the lover was Pandera.ā€
ā€œBut was not the husband Pappos son of Yehuda and the mother Stada?ā€
No, his mother was Miriam, who let her hair grow long and was called Stada. Pumbedita says about her: *"She was unfaithful to her husband
(Also insuling mary )
(And even jesus ā€œexecutionā€)
On (Sabbath eve and) the eve of Passover, Jesus the Nazarene was hanged and a herald went forth before him forty days heralding, ā€œJesus the Nazarene is going forth to be stoned because he practiced sorcery and instigated and seduced Israel to idolatry. Whoever knows anything in defense may come and state it.ā€ But since they did not find anything in his defense they hanged him on (Sabbath eve and) the eve of Passover.
Ulla said: "Do you suppose that Jesus the Nazarene was one for whom a defense could be made? He was a mesit (someone who instigated Israel to idolatry), concerning whom the Merciful [God] says: Show him no compassion and do not shield him (Deut. 13:9)
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Wanted to add in here: Often times, I encounter many Christians who think Jews are dead set on disproving Christianity and converting Christians and that that is the main goal, when in reality, itā€™s not at all. Christians rarely if ever come up in conversations.
who think Jews are dead set on disproving Christianity and converting Christians
Not at all. If anything, Judaism is dead set on making sure Christians donā€™t convert to Judaism, or to be more accurate make it difficult for them to, given that rabbis reject a potential convert thrice before accepting them. Unlike Christianity, Judaism doesnā€™t believe one has to be Jewish to be saved, as I mentioned very early on.
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I have two electric typewriters in the attic. Of the 50-60s vintage. I assume they are safe.

Any reason to worry about my 1930s Royal Standard?
And this is apart from the fact that in Judaism the concept of ā€œbeing savedā€ in the Christian sense does not exist.
Indeedā€¦because there is no original sin that requires a sacrificed Messiah to be saved from. The Christian concept of original sin does not exist in Judaism, as you probably already know.
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For the latter, have you considered ā€œAntiques Roadshowā€? If in decent condition, it may be worth quite a lot if you wish to sell it.
I had suspected that.

It is a very good condition, functional when it was put on the shelf. Next to a mechanical multi-columnar adding machine with the neat handle on the side, used by my dad when he did taxes. Of like vintage, functional.

But I am a sentimental pack rat.
And youā€™re not even the guy with a wire recorder in his garage. It uses a five pound or so cassette . . . I keep thinking that someday Iā€™ll get it running . . .
Iā€™ll be bring an early crank telephone home next time I visit my parents (well maybe night if I fly; weā€™ll have to see).

Iā€™m thinking that I may put an old iPhone in it to play operator . . . for decades Iā€™ve thought of using voice recognition, but now itā€™s all there in that iPhone I already have . . .
I retained one land line rotary phone. Not the model I wanted, but , still, it was from my past.

My house is full of my past. Family home for over 70 years.

Sentimental pack rat.
nah, this isnā€™t one of those new-fangled rotaries . . .

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