The kindest term I can find for the above statement in re: illegal aliens receiving benefits is ‘wildly innacurate’. No, illegal aliens who have US born babies do NOT receive benefits. People born in the USA are automatically considered to be American citizens, and may or may not be eligible for welfare benefits based on their family composition and the income and property of the family. For example, let’s say an illegal alien mother has a baby within U.S. borders and applies for public aid for the child. If the child is eligible(as it may well not be, as both the cash aid and food stamp programs have income limits and a certain amount of the mother’s income will count against the baby), aid will be paid for the child and the child only; mother gets nothing. Clearer now?
Incidentally, I’m rather displeased with the implication that my earlier post was either untrue or innacurate. You would do well to afford others here the same respect you would like them to show you; otherwise this conversation will deteriorate into vitriol and rancor.