What Does Illegal Immigration Cost Me?

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The Catholic viewpoint is not always a cut and dried thing, especially when we are discussing amongst ourselves. I wish more CAF members would keep that in mind.
I have asked for an opposing Catholic veiwpoint several times already. I would be curious to see how the Bible and teaching from the CCC is used to reconcile differing opinions.
So, there’s a list of 21 points that’s supposed to scare me into action. When I lump the similarities together I begin to see a pattern. Instead of avoiding homosexual behavior and promiscuity and intravenous drug use, we can just blame them Mexicans for bringing HIV/AIDS over here. Instead of avoiding prairie dogs, we can blame them Mexicans for our bubonic plague. (Can’t blame the poor fleas). Instead of working in the political arena to end the Nanny State mentality, we can blame the Mexicans. (Never mind our own welfare wonders). Instead of standing up for the Second Amendment and our inherent right of self-defense, let’s blame the Mexicans. And crime? Well we’d have about 30% less incarcerated if them Mexicans would stay on their side of the border. And about 60% less incarcerated if our gov’t didn’t try to tell us what we can and can’t put in our own bodies. But, hey, it’s all the Mexicans doing anyway. (Funny, I thought it was the bikers starting the Meth wave in Colorado). Yep, I see a definite pattern emerging. Instead of working on our citizens to VOTE, we’ll just sit around and blame the Mexicans. It must be easier than facing the fact that we allow them over here. jt
😃 What a kick…You are one funny dude. Come back when you can debate seriously:thumbsup:

Does this site have any information about “Illegal Immigration”?
The thread is: What Does Illegal Immigration Cost Me?

Blyss showing someone else says it is not proof of accuracy, Your sources show only opinion not accuracy
This is how it is Tex…when in debate a person makes an assertion, you provide links. Links that I have provided have been from reputable sources…if you can c/p to your browser you would be able to go to them also. That is how it works…FYI.

Back to the topic of the thread. Illegal immigration costs me about 15 minutes of my time almost every day. There are 3 websites and 1 phone number that I use. I try to do at least one of these 5 days each week. Here are the links:




No excuses, no apologies to sympathizers, no tangents about disease or crime, just action. jt
Jude…crime and disease are part of the problem. Just tonight on Fox News was a story of ICE apprehending over 750 illegal aliens who were criminals…and yes, for crimes OTHER than entering this country illegally. That was ONE operation…and they netted over 750. 750 criminals are now off the streets and headed back to where they belong. And…you don’t think crime is a problem? How about if it happened to you?:rolleyes:

I wonder when the Holy Family legged it to Egypt, were they there legally or in hiding? :rolleyes:
No offense…but that has “what” to do with illegal immigration in the 21st century?:confused:

Does this site have any information about “Illegal Immigration”?
The thread is: What Does Illegal Immigration Cost Me?

Blyss showing someone else says it is not proof of accuracy, Your sources show only opinion not accuracy
This is how it is Tex…when in debate a person makes an assertion, you provide links. Links that I have provided have been from reputable sources…if you can c/p to your browser you would be able to go to them also. That is how it works…FYI.

Your cite does not mention illegal immigration. Thus it does not backup your claim. All your cites are the same, which is your opinions come from others opinions. Let me give you a hint, when one can not produce any supporting evidence, their may be a problem
Jude…crime and disease are part of the problem. Just tonight on Fox News was a story of ICE apprehending over 750 illegal aliens who were criminals…and yes, for crimes OTHER than entering this country illegally. That was ONE operation…and they netted over 750. 750 criminals are now off the streets and headed back to where they belong. And…you don’t think crime is a problem? How about if it happened to you?:rolleyes:

I have never been a victim. If history is an indicator, then the next poor fool who tries will meet the same fate as the previous fools. I will do again what I’ve done before. Beat them senseless, then call 911. When I’m outnumbered, I don’t hesitate to pull my weapon. No illegal has ever tried to victimize me. I know this because the cops always establish the identity of the injured man in case they decide to charge me with assault again. Blyss, your silly arguments have no merit to me. All I see is that you’d be an embarassment to your team. All talk - no action. jt
I have never been a victim. If history is an indicator, then the next poor fool who tries will meet the same fate as the previous fools. I will do again what I’ve done before. Beat them senseless, then call 911. When I’m outnumbered, I don’t hesitate to pull my weapon. No illegal has ever tried to victimize me. I know this because the cops always establish the identity of the injured man in case they decide to charge me with assault again. Blyss, your silly arguments have no merit to me. All I see is that you’d be an embarassment to your team. All talk - no action. jt
I admit that sometimes it is hard to get through to some
people… so please feel free to put me on ignore. As it is…you cannot defend the merits of your arguments either, so you seem to be as much of an embarrassment as you say I am.😃

I have never been a victim. If history is an indicator, then the next poor fool who tries will meet the same fate as the previous fools. I will do again what I’ve done before. Beat them senseless, then call 911. When I’m outnumbered, I don’t hesitate to pull my weapon. No illegal has ever tried to victimize me. I know this because the cops always establish the identity of the injured man in case they decide to charge me with assault again.
***What is this about? It makes absolutely no sense…***and you should be so proud about beating someone senseless…good grief…YOU carry a weapon? YIKES:eek: That is more than I want to know…

The above is the link from my previous post…and it is the "Journal of Physicians and Surgeons".

It states… that* leprosy*…which was virually eradicated in the USA has had 7000 new cases reported in the last 3 years, brought in by illegal immigrants from Latin America.*** Dengue fever*** which is extremely RARE in the USA has had an outbreak in Webb County Texas, for example. It is a county that borders Mexico.

When previous immigrants came to this country through Ellis Island…they had to undergo stringent medical exams…this is not happening with the illegals…who come in and disappear to every corner of this country…untested…and many times untreated…until they become so ill that they are seen at ERs and by that time they have been able to infect others.

For those, who think this is a “SILLY” argument…take the time to read the above link…and THEN tell me that we have NOTHING to worry about.

The above is the link from my previous post…and it is the "Journal of Physicians and Surgeons".

So, the article gives medical facts? It might have appeared in the Journal of Physicians & Surgeons, but it was written by a lawyer and uses news paper articles and think tanks like the Cato Institute as references. Once again, you are showing other’s opinions as if they were fact.

No offense…but that has “what” to do with illegal immigration in the 21st century?:confused:

I just feel that before the pack rounds on the immigrants, illegal or not, it’s worth *keeping in mind *that the Holy Family were “illegal immigrants” for want of a better phrase.
First, don’t you wonder how unbiased an article can be that starts with the title “Invasion USA”. The article does refer to a report by one, Madeleine Pelner Cosman, who I sure must be unbiased. Wait. What does she call these babies being born of illegal aliens?
Illegal alien women come to the hospital in labor and drop their little anchors,
Well, now we know her slant.:rolleyes:

We’re being invaded by illegal anchors!!!:eek:
First, don’t you wonder how unbiased an article can be that starts with the title “Invasion USA”. The article does refer to a report by one, Madeleine Pelner Cosman, who I sure must be unbiased. Wait. What does she call these babies being born of illegal aliens?
Well, now we know her slant.:rolleyes:

We’re being invaded by illegal anchors!!!:eek:
What did she say that was in error? Nothing! What we have IS an invasion…what else would you call millions of people coming into this country uninvited? What ARE the children born here of illegal mothers?
I just feel that before the pack rounds on the immigrants, illegal or not, it’s worth *keeping in mind *that the Holy Family were “illegal immigrants” for want of a better phrase.
You cannot logically equate the two.:cool:

The above is the link from my previous post…and it is the "Journal of Physicians and Surgeons".
So, the article gives medical facts? It might have appeared in the Journal of Physicians & Surgeons, but it was written by a lawyer and uses news paper articles and think tanks like the Cato Institute as references. Once again, you are showing other’s opinions as if they were fact.Nohome

Then you didn’t read it carefully…it is fact and just because you don’t like the fact doesn’t change a thing. WHY don’t YOU provide proof to dispute anything…ANYTHING…I have said. Please show me PROOF that illegals are not bringing diseases into this country.
Nohome…you seem to overlook the fact that some of the sources for the article were:

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
General Accounting Office
US House of representatives Committee on Govermental Operations:Subcommittee on Human Resources

What did she say that was in error?
I didn’t say she was in error. I said the article was biased (written by WND. And I did read **that **article. I also said she made her slant clear (by use of perjoratives). Calling immigration and invasion is empty rhetoric. An invasion is when and armed force comes across the border and engages our armed forces for the purpose of gaining territory for their state.

I will even post a link to the PDF.


I am convinced that any reasonable person will see that one person with such an obvious crusade does not lend to scientific research. Phrases like “illegal aliens stealthy assault on medicine” is hardly a scientific outlook. Not surprising for someone willing to demean another human being, she is a pro-abortion feminist and a trial lawyer. Telling one side is her forte.

I will concede that illegal immigrants will bring some disease into this country. What I will not concede is that documentation would mitigate the disease that they care, that they have a higher percentage of disease that legal immigrants or that the cost to this is not offset by revenue from labor.
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