So, there’s a list of 21 points that’s supposed to scare me into action. When I lump the similarities together I begin to see a pattern. Instead of avoiding homosexual behavior and promiscuity and intravenous drug use, we can just blame them Mexicans for bringing HIV/AIDS over here. Instead of avoiding prairie dogs, we can blame them Mexicans for our bubonic plague. (Can’t blame the poor fleas). Instead of working in the political arena to end the Nanny State mentality, we can blame the Mexicans. (Never mind our own welfare wonders). Instead of standing up for the Second Amendment and our inherent right of self-defense, let’s blame the Mexicans. And crime? Well we’d have about 30% less incarcerated if them Mexicans would stay on their side of the border. And about 60% less incarcerated if our gov’t didn’t try to tell us what we can and can’t put in our own bodies. But, hey, it’s all the Mexicans doing anyway. (Funny, I thought it was the bikers starting the Meth wave in Colorado). Yep, I see a definite pattern emerging. Instead of working on our citizens to VOTE, we’ll just sit around and blame the Mexicans. It must be easier than facing the fact that we allow them over here. jt