What Does Illegal Immigration Cost Me?

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It was hard enough to find any link to leprosy. I’m not gonna waste a beautiful day searching for something to please you. Find it yourself. The points that deal with health - #16, #17 and #21 - are not in the least my concerns. I’ve replied to them once. That’s enough for me. Let me say that I have NO sympathy for illegals, their supporters, homosexuals or people who use hard drugs. So quit with the scare tactics, I’m not afraid. Want to talk about the browning of America? Or do we prefer to continue beating around the bush?
Jude, I am opposed to anyone getting welfare just because they can. I don’t like seeing women have kid after kid just to get more money. But, **I also don’t like seeing women who are ***not citizens *****sneak across the border at 9 months gestation to plop out a kid and have them become automatic citizens and thereby helping the whole clan to remain here. My money is on the CITIZEN every time. I am constantly amazed that some of our citizens would like to see our own poor citizens suffer and yet have no problemm with the illegals.😦

Why didn’t you call NIS?
I agree, and I certainly apologize…and I wish the poster who questioned my faith would do so to me…I certainly never meant my post in the way you took it.

One can be a good Catholic and still disagree with illegal immigration.

Thank you, BlyssfulDreamer. You show class and excellent manners in the above post. I bow to your mature and considered response to my post. By the way, I also agree that it is possible to be a good Catholic and differ on this, as on many other issues. The Catholic viewpoint is not always a cut and dried thing, especially when we are discussing amongst ourselves. I wish more CAF members would keep that in mind. Thanks again(and I accept your apology! 😉 ).
It was hard enough to find any link to leprosy. I’m not gonna waste a beautiful day searching for something to please you. Find it yourself. The points that deal with health - #16, #17 and #21 - are not in the least my concerns. I’ve replied to them once. That’s enough for me. Let me say that I have NO sympathy for illegals, their supporters, homosexuals or people who use hard drugs. So quit with the scare tactics, I’m not afraid. Want to talk about the browning of America? Or do we prefer to continue beating around the bush?
No Jude…YOU put in the link to refute my arguments…and so it is up to you to show where it has any merit. Obvioulsy it does not. So…heretofore…if you feel you must put in a link…it might help if it would support your argument. it isn’t up to ME to research your statement.

These are not scare tactics…although maybe you should be scared. This is actually happening with illegal immigration. We cannot afford in this country to have people coming in with diseases that in this country have already been eradicated.

So, if these are not your concerns…go enjoy your day and don’t bother to respond any further.🙂 have a great one…

Thank you, BlyssfulDreamer. You show class and excellent manners in the above post. I bow to your mature and considered response to my post. By the way, I also agree that it is possible to be a good Catholic and differ on this, as on many other issues. The Catholic viewpoint is not always a cut and dried thing, especially when we are discussing amongst ourselves. I wish more CAF members would keep that in mind. Thanks again(and I accept your apology! 😉 ).
Thank you Jason. Your comments are very nice. Yes, it is possible for people to have different views on situation, as we all come with different life experiences. 🙂

From the link in post #48…

The HIV/AIDS epidemic is a serious threat to the Hispanic community. In addition to being a population seriously affected by HIV, Hispanics continue to face challenges in accessing health care, prevention services, and treatment. In 2002, HIV/AIDS was the third leading cause of death among Hispanic men aged 35 to 44 and the fourth leading cause of death among Hispanic women in the same age group [1].

HIV/AIDS in 2004

Hispanics accounted for 18% of new diagnoses reported in the 35 areas* with long-term, confidential name-based HIV reporting in the United States [2].
From 2002 through 2004, the number of new diagnoses for Hispanics in the 35 areas stayed at about 7,000 per year [2].
Most Hispanic men were exposed to HIV through sexual contact with other men, followed by injection drug use and heterosexual contact. Most Hispanic women were exposed to HIV through heterosexual contact, followed by injection drug use [2].
HIV testing rates were higher among Hispanics than among other races or ethnicities except African Americans: 50% of Hispanics aged 15–44 had been tested, and 18% had been tested during the past year [3].
Also from the link in post #48…

AIDS in 2004

Hispanics accounted for 20% (8,672) of the 42,514 new diagnoses in the United States [2].
Of the rates of diagnoses for adults and adolescents in all racial and ethnic groups, the second highest was the rate for Hispanics. The highest rate was that for African Americans (72.1 cases per 100,000 persons), followed by the rates for Hispanics (25.0/100,000), American Indians and Alaska Natives (9.9/100,000), whites (7.1/100,000), and Asians and Pacific Islanders (4.4/100,000) [2].
The 84,001 Hispanics living with AIDS accounted for 20% of all people in the United States living with AIDS [2].
Although Hispanics made up only about 14% of the population of the United States and Puerto Rico [4, 5], they accounted for 19% (177,164) of the estimated 944,306 cases diagnosed since the beginning of the epidemic [2].
By the end of 2004, an estimated 93,163 Hispanics with AIDS had died [2].
Among people given a diagnosis of AIDS since 1996, a smaller proportion of Hispanics (72%), compared with whites (74%) and Asians/Pacific Islanders (81%), were alive after 9 years. However, the proportion of surviving Hispanics was larger than the proportions of surviving American Indians and Alaska Natives (65%) and African Americans (64%) [2].
The disease is already here. That was the point of my post.

Good, it was already here, so there is no problem with more people coming here who are infected? More people who at some point will require medical care and more people who will take advantage of whatever free care they can receive. Great! Just what we need more of.😦

So, there’s a list of 21 points that’s supposed to scare me into action. When I lump the similarities together I begin to see a pattern. Instead of avoiding homosexual behavior and promiscuity and intravenous drug use, we can just blame them Mexicans for bringing HIV/AIDS over here. Instead of avoiding prairie dogs, we can blame them Mexicans for our bubonic plague. (Can’t blame the poor fleas). Instead of working in the political arena to end the Nanny State mentality, we can blame the Mexicans. (Never mind our own welfare wonders). Instead of standing up for the Second Amendment and our inherent right of self-defense, let’s blame the Mexicans. And crime? Well we’d have about 30% less incarcerated if them Mexicans would stay on their side of the border. And about 60% less incarcerated if our gov’t didn’t try to tell us what we can and can’t put in our own bodies. But, hey, it’s all the Mexicans doing anyway. (Funny, I thought it was the bikers starting the Meth wave in Colorado). Yep, I see a definite pattern emerging. Instead of working on our citizens to VOTE, we’ll just sit around and blame the Mexicans. It must be easier than facing the fact that we allow them over here. jt
Back to the topic of the thread. Illegal immigration costs me about 15 minutes of my time almost every day. There are 3 websites and 1 phone number that I use. I try to do at least one of these 5 days each week. Here are the links:




No excuses, no apologies to sympathizers, no tangents about disease or crime, just action. jt
I wonder when the Holy Family legged it to Egypt, were they there legally or in hiding? :rolleyes:
Maybe they were fleeing religious persecution and therefore granted political asylum by a higher authority? That’s as close as I can come to a sense of humor. jt

Sources have been provided for every assertion I have made. Do you even bother to click on the links to the articles? If not, then how can you debate them?

Does this site have any information about “Illegal Immigration”?
The thread is: What Does Illegal Immigration Cost Me?

Blyss showing someone else says it is not proof of accuracy, Your sources show only opinion not accuracy
LOL***…sorry ***but that is the phrase we use often here in this state, so you’ll have to take it up with all of us
I use that phrase, too. That’s why I found it so funny.

I said you see how it is. Then let me tell you how I really am, since I have been here since CAF started. I always like to inject a little humor, even at my own expense, if I can get a laugh. I like to lighten up sometimes.
. I am constantly amazed that some of our citizens would like to see our own poor citizens suffer and yet have no problemm with the illegals.😦
Maybe you are talking about people you know personally? I have seen no one here who is pro-suffering for any of our citizens.
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