Why don’t you feel as white males are privileged?
The claim of “white male privilege” is based entirely on historical examples. There is no sense in which it is true today, at least not in the US.Historically other genders and races haven’t had the same opportunity to vote, fight in wars, etc compared to the white man. I am not saying all white men are privileged. In our American culture, landowning white male have historically had more privileges.
Forever and ever, amen?The voting is done. Donald Trump is President.
( NOT Hillary )
I’m afraid that Trump will increase the irreligious trend. One, because a particular segment of his support is comprised of older, white males who’ve watched their jobs disappear due to automation and industry changes. Many of three are not college-educated, married, and are economically stressed.will trump as bad and foul mouth as he is, turn it around for the religious people? he hasn’t made it worse, yet…
Only a miracle of God or a revolution is going to overturn the right to abortion and the right to gay marriage because these rights are an inevitable expression of secular politics. The very nature of the system has to be changed if you want a legally enforced Christian Utopia.Don’t bother voting if you aren’t going to keep praying for these issues yourself. Catholics would never need to vote if instead we all did a Novena leading up to election day and fasted. We don’t think of that so here we are.
It’s deceptive because people are forced to vote for a candidate, that does not support what they feel would be good for society, based on the singular issue of abortion. The problem is, voting for a pro-life candidate will not change the fact that a woman’s right to choose is a legally protected human right. But their are other moral issues that voting might actually have a practical effect on. And yet a Catholic conservative would like you to believe that you have committed a mortal sin if you don’t vote pro-life. If you think you are committing a mortal sin voting for a pro-choice candidate despite his stance on other moral issues. then there is only one party you are ever going to vote for regardless of their stance on other moral issues. That’s why i think it’s deceptive politics because it based on the fallacy that voting pro-life is the only moral option, when in reality whether or not you vote for a pro-life candidate has no causal effect on the life or death of unborn children…Further elaborate on why you think it’s deceptive.
i don’t think so. it was more like hold your nose and pull the lever. i don’t know why people think those who voted for trump buy-in to trumpism lock-stock and barrel. he was the best of the worst.because many evangelicals and Catholics supported him, their endorsement of Trump despite his moral failings and caustic attitude, will mean that their own moral authority is questioned.
it was gone under obama, we were the laughing stock of the world.national dignity, unity, and morality
you may not be for it but the dems are. we may not see a repeal of abortion law but a vote for a dem is a vote for extended abortion rights and a vote for government paid abortion. it is their party platform.This idea that the party you vote for means that you are either for or agaisn’t supporting abortion rights is a fallacy.
God, if in us, is in every aspect of our lives. He is the breath, I breathe. If He wishes us to be like Him, how can we not act as He would. He gives us wisdom to Balance our lives. We are IN the world but not OF the world.
Separation of church and state was created BECAUSE... The country was forced to be the faith of the King! He changes, you change. If you didn’t change, heads could roll.
The first amendment says,
Ppl stop reading at: ESTABLISHMENT OF RELIGION. Just like the King and his ppl.
abortion isn’t the only thing wrong with the dem platformI have never fully agreed with the idea of having to solely vote for a candidate based on that singular issue like abortion.
You say they held their noses, and yet they defend him. And not just for minor offenses.I don’t think so. it was more like hold your nose and pull the lever. i don’t know why people think those who voted for trump buy-in to trumpism lock-stock and barrel. he was the best of the worst.
yes, they defend him, but just because he is attacked so often and a lot of the attacks are really meaningless to what is going on in the world.
A complete flip-flop’
One rapid change Jones said he has noticed is the softening of evangelical attitudes on morality.
In 2011, PRRI asked evangelicals if they believed a politician who commits immoral acts in their private lives can still govern ethically. Only 30 percent agreed, Jones said.
When asked again in 2016, that figure jumped to 72 percent. Jones said he couldn’t believe such a massive swing could occur in only five years.
“I sent it back to our research team. I said this can’t be right. Run it again.”
Jones said he came to realize that a “massive sea change” had occurred among conservative Christians. They had abandoned their traditional self-understanding as “values voters” to become “nostalgia voters” attracted by Trump’s promise to restore their churches and faith to power.