you still don’t get it. evangelicals had no real choice
a non-vote was a vote for hillary
I completely comprehend that you’ve bought into the two-party system. Like so many millions who bemoan their lack of good choices, but never opt for any real freedom of conscience, but perpetuate the system by always pulling the lever for Option A or B.
A non-vote is just that. It didn’t happen.
I voted. Third party.
let them judge. if they are looking for God in politics, the Holy Spirit will be the only guide they listen to.
That would be ideal.
you haven’t been paying attention. the entire religious community is ostracized by subjective moral liberals now. stop hanging your hat on their trump hate. it is just one of many issues, they have choices.
There are more religious people than there are nones, by at least twice as many. Rather than putting the shoulder to the plow, it’s easier to cede the field. We’re still called to preservere, are we not?
Christianity is far from dead, in fact many liberals are practicing Christians.
I’m old enough to know better than to believe the tripe that’s spread in every dark corner of the internet that says Americans are all either godless liberals or heartless, conservative believers. That division has been fomented by extremist media pundits from “left” and “right.” I consider these types to be traitors to this country.
So you’ll understand me when I tell you that when it comes to assessing a political candidate, I ignore the polemical idiots that dominate the internet. I instead take my cue from my own observations, knowledge of moral precepts, and research from verifiable sources.
As opposed to adopting knee-jerk trite slogans and crowd-sourced opinions from social media.
it is just more of the same. give up the hate
Like this. The “haters” is one of the many meaningless terms thrown around. This is not a Taylor Swift Twitter account. Please use grown up terminology, because the “hate” thing is adolescent, and we’re both adults (I pressume?).
Oh, to answer your question about HRC: I’ll repeat myself, I’m relieved we avoided her presidency. She wanted war with Russia.
Now, try to understand this perspective: going into the voting booth in 2016, I looked at HRC as a sociopath and DT as a narcissistic crime boss. I saw in them the equal capacity for committing grevious harm for our country. HRC, by pitting the US against Russia, and piling up fraud and criminal acts and throwing pieces of our country to the highest bidder. DT, by invigorating and enabling the rise of white nationalists, using his power to railroad his opponents, and undermining the rule of law, itself.
I couldn’t vote for either one or I’d have puked. Quite seriously.